Gal 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ .
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if you [are] Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
So, I have one very simple question, if these things are true. . . . . and I believe they are. . . . . why is there segregation and prejudice in the Christian world? Why do different colored people see color and act in a non loving way because of it? Why do Christians have hatred in their hearts for one another over unimportant discrepancies in theology that truly nobody knows but God? (I say unimportant meaning things that do not have to do with our salvation i.e. pre-tribulation, post tribulation, and other questions that don't keep us from entering the gates of Heaven) Are we as Christians called to love one another? Of course we are! We as Christians need to unite to do the will of God and leave our petty grievances behind! We need to see beyond the color of the skin, the minor differences of opinion, get beyond denominational lines that have been drawn in the sand, and live in a spirit of love, forgiveness, and truth so that we may glorify the Mighty God we serve! It is our time as Christians to live who we say we are. . . . . . after all, we are all descendants of Abraham's seed . . . . chosen of God to live a life of grace, mercy, and love!
~Father God. . . . I love You. . . . . I ask for Your forgiveness for each and every time I have allowed sin to cause me to bring You shame. Please forgive me for all of the times my heart did not honor You and Your plan for my life! I am so sorry for the times that I allowed myself to be a shameful witness for You because of my attitude towards others! Father God, I pray that You will open they eyes of ALL your children no matter what color, religion, status in life, rich or poor. . . . to Your truths that we should hold evident in our hearts! Please blind our eyes to these things as well so that all we see is the condition of the heart, mind and soul! Father, I thank You and I praise You for what You want to do in my life and in the life of ALL Christians! Please give us the desire to reach out to and love on ALL people. . . . especially those who do not know You! Please give us the courage and discernment we need to share Your Word, Your life, and Your promise with those who need you! Help us to discern when we need to press on. . . . . or to back off! I love You Father and I thank You for all You have given me in my life. . . . for all of the many blessings of this truly blessed woman! I love You, I praise You, and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . .Amen! ! !
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ .
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if you [are] Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
So, I have one very simple question, if these things are true. . . . . and I believe they are. . . . . why is there segregation and prejudice in the Christian world? Why do different colored people see color and act in a non loving way because of it? Why do Christians have hatred in their hearts for one another over unimportant discrepancies in theology that truly nobody knows but God? (I say unimportant meaning things that do not have to do with our salvation i.e. pre-tribulation, post tribulation, and other questions that don't keep us from entering the gates of Heaven) Are we as Christians called to love one another? Of course we are! We as Christians need to unite to do the will of God and leave our petty grievances behind! We need to see beyond the color of the skin, the minor differences of opinion, get beyond denominational lines that have been drawn in the sand, and live in a spirit of love, forgiveness, and truth so that we may glorify the Mighty God we serve! It is our time as Christians to live who we say we are. . . . . . after all, we are all descendants of Abraham's seed . . . . chosen of God to live a life of grace, mercy, and love!
~Father God. . . . I love You. . . . . I ask for Your forgiveness for each and every time I have allowed sin to cause me to bring You shame. Please forgive me for all of the times my heart did not honor You and Your plan for my life! I am so sorry for the times that I allowed myself to be a shameful witness for You because of my attitude towards others! Father God, I pray that You will open they eyes of ALL your children no matter what color, religion, status in life, rich or poor. . . . to Your truths that we should hold evident in our hearts! Please blind our eyes to these things as well so that all we see is the condition of the heart, mind and soul! Father, I thank You and I praise You for what You want to do in my life and in the life of ALL Christians! Please give us the desire to reach out to and love on ALL people. . . . especially those who do not know You! Please give us the courage and discernment we need to share Your Word, Your life, and Your promise with those who need you! Help us to discern when we need to press on. . . . . or to back off! I love You Father and I thank You for all You have given me in my life. . . . for all of the many blessings of this truly blessed woman! I love You, I praise You, and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . .Amen! ! !