A'Isha Talib is an absolutely incredible young woman of God! I met A'Isha at the Christian Training Center in Franklin, NC, where my parents are on staff at the ministry there. A'Isah was a leader in the summer program the Inn has. Chelsea had gone to camp and I was greatly blessed to be able to help my dad cook for the camp. I got to know A'Isha while there and the one thing that stood out to me was her heart for people. We got to talk about her dreams and goals......and my heart overflowed with hope for the future of our young people! She has so much love, so much compassion, and a great heart for ministry! One day soon, I believe that God will honor the hopes and dreams of this incredible young woman.....for I believe that HE is the one who planted them deep in her heart! As you read her testimony, please feel free to share it so that others may find peace in the midst of their chaos!
01/08/2013: A'Isha Talib
My name is A’Isha Talib and my whole purpose in this story is that after each one of you read this, you would be encourage and find hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My story began while my mother was pregnant with me. Before I was born my father murdered someone and the judge gave him sixteen years for the crime he committed. The next thing that happened in my life was that by the time I was about seven years old I was sexually abused twice. It was during this period of my life that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. At an early age I began to understand who Christ was and that He wanted to live inside of my heart. Then when I was about thirteen, my niece Miracle died. All of these things that happened to me began to cause an anger to rise up in me. The reason that the anger rose up in me was because I did not know how to deal with the things that happened to me. So, all I would do was fight in school and hurt the people that cared about me the most, my family. It was to the point that my little brother and nieces and nephews were afraid of me. Then one day I remember that my mother asked me, “Why are you hurting the people that care about you the most?” My mother was asking me, why I was hurting my family because they were the ones that were trying to help me to overcome my past.
So when I was about sixteen years old, I rededicated my life to Christ at church and I have been trying to live for Him faithfully every day. Let me tell you, the Christian walk is not always that easy. Just because I was a Christian does not mean that my problems were not still there because they were. I had to learn how to deal with my problems, I had to turn to the One who could help me and that was God. The amazing thing about God is that in the midst of Him helping you, He also sends people along the way to help and encourage you as well. So what God began to do in my life was that He showed me how to use every bad thing that had happened to me in my life for His glory.
Now let’s go back and look at my story. Remember I told you that my father was incarcerated for murder.......I have since then and now count that my dad being out of my life until I was sixteen years old, as a blessing. You say a blessing? YES! The reason that I say a blessing is because if my dad was not in jail, I would be a Muslim to this day, and I would not know the true and living God; the One who saved me from all of my sins. Then there is the issue of me being sexually abused. God is still showing me to this day how to help people with my story by simply sharing my story with people. By letting them know that God can heal them and that they can overcome anything that has happened to them. I can honestly tell you that to this day that I have forgiven both of the men who sexually abused me. And about my niece dying, I had blamed myself for her death because I had gotten into fight with my sister while she was pregnant and she had my niece when she was five months and then my niece died at eleven and a half months. But one day I broke down and starting crying and talked to my sister and my sister told me the real reason that my niece was born at five months. It was through my sister I was able to get closure and deliverance concerning my niece’s death.
So my challenge to all of you who are reading this, do not let your past cause you to become a victim. Let your past experiences turn you into a VICTOR. Seek God for help, let somebody know what you are going through, and ask God to send people your way to help you overcome your past. Do not let people hold you in bondage by the hurts that they may have inflicted on you. CHOOSE TODAY TO BECOME A VICTORIOUS VICTOR!!!
01/08/2013: A'Isha Talib
My name is A’Isha Talib and my whole purpose in this story is that after each one of you read this, you would be encourage and find hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My story began while my mother was pregnant with me. Before I was born my father murdered someone and the judge gave him sixteen years for the crime he committed. The next thing that happened in my life was that by the time I was about seven years old I was sexually abused twice. It was during this period of my life that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. At an early age I began to understand who Christ was and that He wanted to live inside of my heart. Then when I was about thirteen, my niece Miracle died. All of these things that happened to me began to cause an anger to rise up in me. The reason that the anger rose up in me was because I did not know how to deal with the things that happened to me. So, all I would do was fight in school and hurt the people that cared about me the most, my family. It was to the point that my little brother and nieces and nephews were afraid of me. Then one day I remember that my mother asked me, “Why are you hurting the people that care about you the most?” My mother was asking me, why I was hurting my family because they were the ones that were trying to help me to overcome my past.
So when I was about sixteen years old, I rededicated my life to Christ at church and I have been trying to live for Him faithfully every day. Let me tell you, the Christian walk is not always that easy. Just because I was a Christian does not mean that my problems were not still there because they were. I had to learn how to deal with my problems, I had to turn to the One who could help me and that was God. The amazing thing about God is that in the midst of Him helping you, He also sends people along the way to help and encourage you as well. So what God began to do in my life was that He showed me how to use every bad thing that had happened to me in my life for His glory.
Now let’s go back and look at my story. Remember I told you that my father was incarcerated for murder.......I have since then and now count that my dad being out of my life until I was sixteen years old, as a blessing. You say a blessing? YES! The reason that I say a blessing is because if my dad was not in jail, I would be a Muslim to this day, and I would not know the true and living God; the One who saved me from all of my sins. Then there is the issue of me being sexually abused. God is still showing me to this day how to help people with my story by simply sharing my story with people. By letting them know that God can heal them and that they can overcome anything that has happened to them. I can honestly tell you that to this day that I have forgiven both of the men who sexually abused me. And about my niece dying, I had blamed myself for her death because I had gotten into fight with my sister while she was pregnant and she had my niece when she was five months and then my niece died at eleven and a half months. But one day I broke down and starting crying and talked to my sister and my sister told me the real reason that my niece was born at five months. It was through my sister I was able to get closure and deliverance concerning my niece’s death.
So my challenge to all of you who are reading this, do not let your past cause you to become a victim. Let your past experiences turn you into a VICTOR. Seek God for help, let somebody know what you are going through, and ask God to send people your way to help you overcome your past. Do not let people hold you in bondage by the hurts that they may have inflicted on you. CHOOSE TODAY TO BECOME A VICTORIOUS VICTOR!!!