As human beings, God created us with very strong emotions. Some more than others, but sometimes when hurt and pain enter our lives, we can push those emotions down and should be able to turn them off like an ostrich who his head in the sand. If I can't see it, then it did not happen......If I can't see it, then I am not responsible for my actions when I hurt someone, If I can't see it, then I don't have to deal with it!
Once again, these are all lies of Satan that are used to tear us up internally and eventually externally as well. I have always been a very trusting and loving person. However one day over 29 years ago, my trusting nature took a detour. At the age of 17/turned 18 a month later, I had a beautiful baby boy! Chris and I lived in a townhouse that was.......well, kind of a dump.....but it was our dump to live in! One evening, I saw this HUGE spider and it ducked behind the sofa. Now I have an incredible fear of spiders! The next morning, I was so afraid of running into this spider that I had seen and trembled in fear. It was in the summer so it was very, very hot. I had on a pair of shorts (mind you, I have never worn short shorts in my life!), t-shirt, and a tall pair of cowgirl boots! I was not gonna let that sucker climb on my foot! I put Bubbas swing on the front porch and let him swing in the breeze that gently blew that morning. I had the door open, a big ole broom, and was pulling the sofa out to try and kill that sucker! My next door neighbors daughter popped over and started to help me look. She was about 8 years old, and was staying at home with her granddaddy that day while her parents were out for a while. Her granddaddy was a pastor and he and his wife were visiting for a few days. Very nice people....so there were absolutely no red or yellow flags popping up for me. He came over and tried to help us find this spider. Mind you, my den was not much bigger than a small bedroom, so it was not like there was a whole lot of area to look over. As I was looking, I said that I had to go check on the clothes on the line in the back. His granddaughter was playing with Bubba on the stoop so they said to go ahead and check them. As I walked into the kitchen, he stopped me and told me to leave my back door unlocked, he had a surprise. A tiny yellow flag popped up because it just seemed so strange, but my incredibly trusting nature said, "He is a Pastor, I am sure there is nothing to it!". Now, I am not completely stupid.....as soon as I came back in a few minutes later......I LOCKED my back door! We went back to spider looking for a little while and his granddaughter had to run back home for something. (Just so you know.....her granddad was a pastor, husband, father and grandfather......perfectly trustworthy!) When she went into her door he ran over to me, tightly wrapped his arms around me and started trying to kiss me!!!! If you know me, I have always been VERY strong, but the way he had me wrapped up, I could not get loose and he was VERY strong for a 60 something year old man! He kept begging me to kiss him as I would turn my head and fight to get loose. I told him I was married and he told me, "So what.....I am married too!"! By this point I was in total and utter shock! In a few minutes his granddaughter ran back out of her house and was coming to mine so he let go, jumped back, and acted as if he were looking for the spider. My whole body was shaking at this point. What was I to do? This was my neighbors DAD! I made an excuse to leave my house telling them I had to go pick up my sisters to come swim, and as I was hurrying to put Bubba in the car and drive off.......he looked at me and mouthed that he loved me. I was fighting back tears of horror because I did not want his poor granddaughter to know what had happened!
To make a long story short, we called my neighbor who was a police officer to ask him what we should do. My dad took me to fill out a police report, he was arrested, and we then helped bail him out of jail. In between these events there were some key issues for me. First.......I was horrified that my neighbor would hate me forever for having her dad arrested. Second.....as we filed the report the one question that ate at my soul was them asking me what I was wearing when this happened...indicating that it may have been my fault because of my clothing choice! Third.......my sense of trust had been so violated that I found myself not trusting even the most trustWORTY of men! Now, what did GOD do in this process? First......my neighbor who I thought would hate me.......thanked me! They had been scared of him and his behaviors and they knew this would force the family to face the issues and get help! His other daughter had been sleeping with her door locked at night for fear her dad would come in! Second........we were able to help this family get him out on bond so that they could then go back home and face the issues in both life.....and in court! Third.......I learned that not everyone deserves trust and that God has given us discernment that we MUST listen to!
Emotionally, I had become somewhat of an internal basket case for a while. I had the love of family and friends.......and most of all......God to help pull me through and eventually begin to trust again.....but trust with wisdom! The trauma to my emotional state pales in comparison to what some people go through......but it was still a life changing emotional event in my life. For some, the trauma is more than they can handle or face. I am so thankful for Mercy Ministries because they take in young women who have been so emotionally, physically, and mentally abused that they can't find their way out! For us, Mercy Ministries was a total gift from God as they helped put Chelseas broken emotional puzzle back together again through the teachings of Jesus......and the leading of the Holy Spirit! If you know of any young woman who is living a life in Emotional Hell, please direct them to Mercy so they can see for themselves that Emotional Freedom is theirs for the taking! Mercy has a long standing track record for helping young women find freedom.......GODS WAY!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to learn about what God can and will do, and for sharing this information with others that God might be glorified! For without HIM........we can never fully be free! May God bless you!!!!!
Once again, these are all lies of Satan that are used to tear us up internally and eventually externally as well. I have always been a very trusting and loving person. However one day over 29 years ago, my trusting nature took a detour. At the age of 17/turned 18 a month later, I had a beautiful baby boy! Chris and I lived in a townhouse that was.......well, kind of a dump.....but it was our dump to live in! One evening, I saw this HUGE spider and it ducked behind the sofa. Now I have an incredible fear of spiders! The next morning, I was so afraid of running into this spider that I had seen and trembled in fear. It was in the summer so it was very, very hot. I had on a pair of shorts (mind you, I have never worn short shorts in my life!), t-shirt, and a tall pair of cowgirl boots! I was not gonna let that sucker climb on my foot! I put Bubbas swing on the front porch and let him swing in the breeze that gently blew that morning. I had the door open, a big ole broom, and was pulling the sofa out to try and kill that sucker! My next door neighbors daughter popped over and started to help me look. She was about 8 years old, and was staying at home with her granddaddy that day while her parents were out for a while. Her granddaddy was a pastor and he and his wife were visiting for a few days. Very nice people....so there were absolutely no red or yellow flags popping up for me. He came over and tried to help us find this spider. Mind you, my den was not much bigger than a small bedroom, so it was not like there was a whole lot of area to look over. As I was looking, I said that I had to go check on the clothes on the line in the back. His granddaughter was playing with Bubba on the stoop so they said to go ahead and check them. As I walked into the kitchen, he stopped me and told me to leave my back door unlocked, he had a surprise. A tiny yellow flag popped up because it just seemed so strange, but my incredibly trusting nature said, "He is a Pastor, I am sure there is nothing to it!". Now, I am not completely stupid.....as soon as I came back in a few minutes later......I LOCKED my back door! We went back to spider looking for a little while and his granddaughter had to run back home for something. (Just so you know.....her granddad was a pastor, husband, father and grandfather......perfectly trustworthy!) When she went into her door he ran over to me, tightly wrapped his arms around me and started trying to kiss me!!!! If you know me, I have always been VERY strong, but the way he had me wrapped up, I could not get loose and he was VERY strong for a 60 something year old man! He kept begging me to kiss him as I would turn my head and fight to get loose. I told him I was married and he told me, "So what.....I am married too!"! By this point I was in total and utter shock! In a few minutes his granddaughter ran back out of her house and was coming to mine so he let go, jumped back, and acted as if he were looking for the spider. My whole body was shaking at this point. What was I to do? This was my neighbors DAD! I made an excuse to leave my house telling them I had to go pick up my sisters to come swim, and as I was hurrying to put Bubba in the car and drive off.......he looked at me and mouthed that he loved me. I was fighting back tears of horror because I did not want his poor granddaughter to know what had happened!
To make a long story short, we called my neighbor who was a police officer to ask him what we should do. My dad took me to fill out a police report, he was arrested, and we then helped bail him out of jail. In between these events there were some key issues for me. First.......I was horrified that my neighbor would hate me forever for having her dad arrested. Second.....as we filed the report the one question that ate at my soul was them asking me what I was wearing when this happened...indicating that it may have been my fault because of my clothing choice! Third.......my sense of trust had been so violated that I found myself not trusting even the most trustWORTY of men! Now, what did GOD do in this process? First......my neighbor who I thought would hate me.......thanked me! They had been scared of him and his behaviors and they knew this would force the family to face the issues and get help! His other daughter had been sleeping with her door locked at night for fear her dad would come in! Second........we were able to help this family get him out on bond so that they could then go back home and face the issues in both life.....and in court! Third.......I learned that not everyone deserves trust and that God has given us discernment that we MUST listen to!
Emotionally, I had become somewhat of an internal basket case for a while. I had the love of family and friends.......and most of all......God to help pull me through and eventually begin to trust again.....but trust with wisdom! The trauma to my emotional state pales in comparison to what some people go through......but it was still a life changing emotional event in my life. For some, the trauma is more than they can handle or face. I am so thankful for Mercy Ministries because they take in young women who have been so emotionally, physically, and mentally abused that they can't find their way out! For us, Mercy Ministries was a total gift from God as they helped put Chelseas broken emotional puzzle back together again through the teachings of Jesus......and the leading of the Holy Spirit! If you know of any young woman who is living a life in Emotional Hell, please direct them to Mercy so they can see for themselves that Emotional Freedom is theirs for the taking! Mercy has a long standing track record for helping young women find freedom.......GODS WAY!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to learn about what God can and will do, and for sharing this information with others that God might be glorified! For without HIM........we can never fully be free! May God bless you!!!!!