02/15/2014 Scott Hamilton
The Adventures of a Truly Blessed Woman |
![]() Scott Hamilton will always live in my memory as an Olympic Hero! I would sit amazed as he would skate so beautifully on the ice. God had a plan.......God had a purpose! As I sit and watch the Olympic Games this week, I was so excited to see this video and be reminded that God knew from before time what would happen in the life of Scott....in your life and in mine! Please share this video and remember that GOD has a plan for YOUR life! May God bless you ALL!!!!! 02/15/2014 Scott Hamilton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEstrtWnM1o
![]() This is my friend Brandon. Brandon went to school with two of my three children many years ago. I was a substitute teacher and Brandon was one of those kids that just captured a piece of your heart! With a bright future ahead, life took a turn that no one saw coming.....not even Brandon. I am so thankful that he willingly wanted to share his testimony! When God changes your life in a radical kind of way......you almost can't keep it inside! Please, if you know of anyone that this testimony could help....please share it! Even if you don't, you may have a friend who needs to see this so.....please share it! Thank you Brandon for your transparency. God NEVER wastes a testimony! He WILL use it for His glory! May God bless you all! 01/10/2014: Brandon Pugh First let me say that I am only sharing this to possibly help someone else to avoid the same mistakes I made so many times. My name is Brandon; I’m 29 and a single father of two gorgeous kids Landon and Calli. The honest truth of my life is that I should not be alive today. I chose to use illegal drugs daily and since I was a teenager I used marijuana. As I became an adult I was introduced to pain pills (opiates). I ruined my life with these drugs. I chose to lie, steal, and take advantage of everyone around me every day. I met my kids mother in high school, we got married and had two kids together. When she was 8 months pregnant with our 2nd child Calli, she left me. She had had enough of my selfish ways. I don't blame her at all. So here I was alone, living back at home broke, living off my family. I was unable to help financially help with my kids at that time, because the money I would make I spent on my addiction. It had gotten to the point that I was not using to get high anymore; I was using to keep from being physically sick. I was terrible mentally and physically. I even over dosed on pills to try and kill myself because I couldn't take the horrific daily routines I woke up to every morning. I tried rehab after rehab. Nothing worked because I would not give up and let it work. Because of some illegal choices I had made to support my habit, I was arrested for theft by receiving and locked up. I was shocked at how I had let myself get so low. This was not the man my parents raised. I was raised to be honest, respectful, to have faith, love and care for others. To always work hard. Family was everything for me growing up. I’d thought, “Where did I go wrong??”!? Drugs ruined my life. Drugs took my wife of 10yrs, my kids, my outstanding father-n-law and mother -n-law as well. Somehow I made a wrong turn in life, and never turned around, until it I was too far gone to make anyone understand me, or even care to help me at that point. With all of this happening to me because of my actions, can you believe I still chose to indulge into that same lifestyle that had torn my "everything" from my life! I was a full blown addict. I was addicted to pill’s, addicted to the lifestyle, so addicted that I had already told myself and accepted that I would die one day from my ways, and I had become ok with it. Terrible is what that was. After serving 12 months in prison, and detoxing all toxins from my body, I was starting to "feel" again. I was starting to feel normal. I was in prison after around 6 months and I could tell a mental and physical difference. I was smiling again; I was reading the bible to help me to get through my stay inside walls with rapist, murders, and hardcore criminals. These were men that had nothing to lose, with life sentences to do in prison. I was blessed with meeting a man named Freddy Malcom while there. He was charged with theft of motor vehicles and had lived his entire life doing illegal things, all for an addiction. He is 56 yrs. old and he sat me down day after day and would tell me his life story. He would beg me to learn from this visit to prison and never return. I stand tall today as man of God, a man who has chosen to be the best father, son, brother, that I can possibly be for the rest of my days. I ask God daily to guide my thoughts and feet, to allow me to be positive even in all the negative. Today, I have obtained my G.E.D. diploma as of Sept. 2013. I started college Nov. 11th, 2013 and I am going for my associate’s degree in Behavioral Science/ Sociology. I have my custody rights to both of my kids, and they love me like you wouldn't believe. That warms my heart to no end!! I have started a new job; I am a certified welder for a local company called "Elite Steel". I am finally living the life I was always intended to live. Although I do not have my wife and kids under one roof, I am still blessed. I am blessed because God could have left me where I was, at the bottom of that dark hole I was in. But....he didn't. He saved me and guided me till I could stand. I am thankful for that and will forever be a changed man, one who lives for and loves my God. You do not want to go where I have been in life...because you just might not make it out alive, and that's the truth. A man who learns from his mistakes, and rises to be stronger, to prosper and live according to God, will always be remembered for his courage and ability to overcome something so heavy. There is no testimony without a "test". If you are going through any kind of trial, and you fill like you cannot make it much longer, just hold on; hold on tightly, because if there is a will there is a way. I sincerely hope that whoever reads this, it helps in many ways. I am thankful for the very air I take into this body. God saw fit to reshape my thinking and shine light on my walk ways. I am to this day still fighting the urges and cravings the devil comes at me with, but I have Jesus on my side today, and I am no longer scared or tempted. My God bless you and thank you for your time to read this. ~ Sincerely~ Brandon P. For a Video version click the link below! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=570464849696440&set=vb.100001987918470&&theater Since the very first Duck Dynasty show to present, one thing has rung true......God is first in the lives of this family! As with any and all families, they are not perfect. I will say this though.....they are an inspiration to me and to millions of others who have seen their show! This testimony covers three generations of the Robertson Family. They have endured hardships like we all have, and yet through Christ Jesus they have endured through the night to find joy in the morning. Please take the time necessary to watch the whole video......you will not regret it! May God Bless You!!!!
11/22/2013: The Robertson Family http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/the-robertsons/ ![]() This Testimony is a very special one for me. My mom and dad have been involved at the Christian Training Center (otherwise known as the "INN") in Franklin, NC for a very long time. Over the years, I have had the honor to be a part of many different peoples lives through their involvement at the Inn. I have had the privileged of spending some time with Seth and so many other very special young people! I have always been amazed at his maturity and desire to do the Will of God......at all cost. Living at the Inn can often be a challenge, is ALWAYS a growing experience, and it is a life changing experience for those who go and live a life transformed because of what they have learned and have put into practice in their lives! Please share this fine young mans testimony with all those who you know and love, for you never know when they might need to hear the words of someone who went through what they are currently going through! May God bless you all!!!!! 05/28/2013: Seth Gordy God is faithful. Prior to coming to The Inn in 2011, a lot of things had gone “down-hill” in life. My parents divorced; my fiancee left me; and then my mom got really sick, all within a very short period of time. That’s the shortened and “specific-but-not-too-specific” list of the things that were going on in life. From the front side of things, it’s hard to see certain attitudes creep in - bitterness, anger, frustration, rage - especially when you’re pretty sure that everything that you’re feeling and the reactions that you’re showing are perfectly justified. This is where I found myself. Every person that had hurt me, I was angry at. And that anger turned into bitterness, which would sometimes manifest itself in outward rage. Then, it wasn’t just the big stuff anymore that was getting under my skin. It was all the little things in life that really shouldn’t be that hard to manage - the person driving “way too slowly” on the road (for miles!) who then decides to make a turn but doesn’t use a blinker to indicate that he’s doing so; the bedroom door that you slam closed in frustration, but doesn’t stay closed behind you, so you have to go back and slam it again; or the person that “chews too loudly” so that you can’t concentrate on your book or tv show. All of these little things - and more - had begun to irk me, to grow inside of me, and to weigh so heavily on my heart and mind. And then I realized that I wasn’t just mad at people. I was getting angry at God. He was the one who had allowed all of this to happen to me and to my family. He was the one who had made promises and hadn’t kept them. He was the one who failed me. So I began to lash out at Him too. I would often go to bed in tears of rage, demanding that God explain Himself to me, that He explain why He had permitted all of these things to happen. But He didn’t. Then I came here...to The Inn. This is not a plug for this ministry, per se. But God has met me here in a real way. In this season of life He has shown me that He is, in fact,faithful, even when I am not (and it’s always that case that I am not). He has shown me that no matter what, He will take care of me. He will be faithful to provide for my needs. He might not explain the “why’s” of life (at least not at this moment). But He’s showing me that He is trustworthy nonetheless; that He will use all of the bad to accomplish His perfect (because He’s just good like that); and that He really will never leave me or forsake me. I remember a course I took in college, a very rigorous class on the book of John. The professor was so challenging that he had, for many years, held the infamy of being the most difficult teacher on campus. Students who weren't required to take his classes for their theology majors or masters or doctorates usually steered clear of them for fear of failing them utterly. And even the students who did have to sit through his lectures ended up, in a lot of cases, failing or doing very poorly on his exams. Needless to say, he was incredibly knowledgeable, not to mention passionate, about this book of the Bible in particular and about sharing the wealth of wisdom and knowledge that he had gained over years of study. The thing that I remember from this class, besides the challenge of the course work, was the verse where Jesus says, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” As he would explain, in the original Greek that this book was written in, the phrase actually translated as having six negatives, just so Jesus could drive His point home. This gave something to the effect of, “I will no not never, no not ever, leave you nor forsake you!” Obviously this doesn't fly in the English language. But I think that we can grasp the message: No matter what we feel, think, experience in this life, no matter the circumstances - good or bad...or worse - He will NEVER, not EVER leave us. This truth has become one that I can hold on to. God is a faithful God. ![]() This beautiful woman right here has been such an inspiration to me. Last year we were performing in Lincolnton, GA and I met Mrs. Doris there. We were talking and God led me to ask her if she would like to share her testimony on my blog. She became so excited and almost teary eyed as this ended up being a confirmation to her that God had a plan and a purpose for her........and it involved her testimony! Thank you Doris for your obedience to God and for sharing your life with us! 05/02/2013: Doris Edmunds Did you ever wish you could turn the clock back 10, 20, or 30 years and take with you the experience, knowledge, spiritual maturity, and wisdom that you had received over the course of those years? This is what God is doing in my life! My late husband, Bill, and I were married almost 30 years. He was a good man but he had some disabilities and handicaps that were not apparent to others, and were known only to a few close family members. Because of this I was unable to be more available to the Lord for service. I would have liked to have made a difference in more people's lives. Bill went home to be with the Lord on Feb. 2, 2011. Although I now had time to be more active in the Lord's service, I realized I was older, not as healthy, very much out of touch and my enthusiasm was dampened to say the least. BUT GOD. Those are the two most important words in this testimony. God knew my heart's desire. Not long after that the Lord's word came to me saying, "I will restore what the cankerworm hath eaten." I thought on it for a minute then I responded to Him in prayer. I prayed, "Lord, restore unto me what the years have taken away." And He began to restore, and restored at least 20 years to date. My health is good, and my enthusiasm is rooted in the Great "I Am" The great and mighty awesome God who said, "I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?" Jesus said, "Go and tell what great things the Lord hath done for thee." To God be the glory. Amen. ![]() There are so many different aspects of my testimony that I am going to give it to you in segments......and not in any particular order. As most of you know, I am a volunteer for Hospice Advantage out of Athens. The interesting part about me volunteering there is what really makes this a testimony for me. All of my life I have loved to help people. There is something deep inside of me that longs and yearns to make a difference through serving for the glory of God......not the glory of Lorri! Last year I was visiting with my mom and dad and while mom was having physical therapy, dad and I went shopping......well, more like window shopping! There was this big and beautiful REI store and I could not wait to go in. While there, I found the perfect winter boots for the kids and decided to get them for them for Christmas! I found out that you can join as a member with REI and you get special savings and so on. It also put me on their mailing list which sent me emails of special sales and events. I decided to join and I am very glad I did! One day I was going through my emails, and came across one from REI. In one little area, it talked about opportunities to serve........so I looked! Believe it or not, Hospice Advantage was on there! I was really nervous and almost afraid of failing them somehow! BUT GOD!!!!! I thought back to my past and remembered all of the times that I failed......that I did not feel good enough, pretty enough, or talented enough. In the past, though I believed in God......I did not always believe that He was going to help me through.....(sad to say!). Oh me of little faith! God helped me to overcome that crippling fear that almost stopped me from doing what HE called me to do! The first day I met Amy my coordinator, I was so scared........afraid of not finding where I was supposed to meet her.......afraid that she would look at me and tell me it would not work with me......afraid deep down that I would not be able to do this task that could be very difficult emotionally. BUT GOD!!! God was so gracious in giving me Mr. Jack as one of my very first patients! He broke me in in a very special way! All of the things that I thought I might fail at.......I DID NOT! All of the things that could have held me back......THEY DID NOT!!!! As a matter of fact......it has also given me a chance to not only serve......but serve with Chelsea and Devon too! Mr. Jack holds a giant piece of Chelseas heart as he does mine, but he also holds a piece of Devons. This opportunity has not only blessed me, but Chelsea and Devon as well! God is so great! I am hoping this summer Tanner will get to go with me a time or two...........he would love it every bit as much as Devon does! This whole process has really taken my fear.......and thrown it out the window! We serve such a mighty God and I am so thankful that He loves me and accepts me as I am! I want to encourage you all to look for opportunities to serve any and every time you can! It is a blessing beyond measure......and if God leads you to it.......He WILL lead you through it!!!! I love you so very much and I pray you will find GODS Will for Your lives in the most precious ways! I love you all!!!! Lorri Did you ever watch any of the movies made by the Church in South Georgia like: Fly Wheel, Love Dare, Facing the Giants, and so on? God gave Alex the vision, but not only the vision.......but the act of walking out a lot of what happened in the movies.....just in different ways. God has a purpose for us all......even when it seems like something bigger than we are! Please watch and share.......and know that God has something bigger for you than you can imagine! May God bless you!!!!!
04/09/2013: Alex Kendrick http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/alex-kendrick/ Lee lived a living nightmare! Lee should not be alive or have the ability to think or talk! Please share this video and know that someone NEEDS this vidoe! May God Bless yo http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/lee-lucas/ “I remember praying many times and saying, God, won’t you take this off of me? God never did.”
This is a prayer that John prayed often! Please share this with anyone you know who has suffered a disability, whether born with it......or developed it over their span of life........it is another incredible testimony! May God bless yo 04/08/2013: John Meador http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/john-meador/ Many grow up in Church, yet have no idea what Christianity is. It is a harsh reality that hits when disaster strikes and you realize you really don't know where your hope comes from. This is an incredible video......in which Randy learns that he needs to KNOW God for who He is! May God bless you!
04/07/2013: Randy Moore http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/randy-moore/ |
AuthorI am a wife, mother, and best of all.......a Honeygram! I love the Lord with all my heart and I long to do HIS Will. He has set me on a path and I am ready, willing, and able to follow it.....come what may! Archives
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