As I watched this video, David said something that really struck me as it was something I had seen first hand at one of our concerts. Before I give the testimony for SHINE, I always pray that God will give me just the right words at just the right time. At one of the concerts, God kept telling me to share the testimony from the side of the parent. When all was said and done and I began to give the testimony, God was already working on the heart of one of the young women at the concert. The one thing I drove home about the parents side is to NEVER give up on your children! Of course I thought God had me speaking to a parent......but was a young teenage woman. She grabbed my neck and started to hug me (my favorite past time.....hugging that is....hehehe) and tell me thank you for never giving up on my daughter.....because her parents gave up on her! God gave her comfort that day.....and I am so thankful! Please enjoy the video......and be working on YOUR TESTIMONIES!!!!!