God has blessed my life with so many friends that come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Mike is one of those friends that grabs your heart and never lets go......and for that I am thankful! I have known Mike for over 15 years now, and I have seen Mike and his beautiful wife Tracey with their incredible girls do things for God that some only dream of! His family, at Gods direction, with another wonderful family from our church; packed their lives up and moved to Brazil as missionaries for several years. While there, God used them in great ways that still have an impact today. I look forward to serving God and others with Mike and Tracey someday.....even though he does not know it yet! Hehehehehe........but God knows! Please share this beautiful testimony with everyone you know for they will find a blessing in it.....and some, they may find answers! May God bless you!
01/23/2013: Mike Moyers
I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 9. We had recently moved and visited a different church. The Pastor of the church, Jim Lennon, came to visit. He talked to my sister and I about Jesus and asked if we wanted Jesus to live in our hearts. Of course, with dad and mom sitting there, the answer was yes. Now, do I believe that I was saved then? Yes. But from that point forward I felt something was missing.
Fast forward, I'm now 38 and on a Choir Tour/Mission trip to Desire Housing Project in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm rooming with David Brown. David is the one who made me see that even though I had "prayed the prayer" I had never "surrendered" my life to Jesus. So, I prayed this prayer for the first time. "Lord, here I am, use me!"
It became clear to me that I needed to change some things in my life before He could use me. So, after 20+ years I quit smoking. I started spending more time with Tracey and the girls and less time doing other things that I thought I needed. I got more involved with God was doing in our church. The growth began and I don't have the words to describe it.
Since that time, God has sent me to several different countries, some Christian and some not. If there is one thing that I have learned it's this, "people are the same everywhere you go".
Everyone has needs.
There good people and bad people.
There are people with good morals and people with bad morals.
There are people that need help and people that think they need help.
There are people that want to help and people that don't.
These comparisons are not seperated by religous beliefs.
There are many people with good morals that aren't Christian, just like their are many people with bad morals that claim to be Christian.
The only difference is some have Jesus, some don't.
If you're not a Christian I urge you pray the prayer, asking Jesus into your heart.
If you are a Christian, I urge you to pray the prayer "Lord here I am, use me!"
Both prayers, if meant, will change your life forever!
01/23/2013: Mike Moyers
I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 9. We had recently moved and visited a different church. The Pastor of the church, Jim Lennon, came to visit. He talked to my sister and I about Jesus and asked if we wanted Jesus to live in our hearts. Of course, with dad and mom sitting there, the answer was yes. Now, do I believe that I was saved then? Yes. But from that point forward I felt something was missing.
Fast forward, I'm now 38 and on a Choir Tour/Mission trip to Desire Housing Project in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm rooming with David Brown. David is the one who made me see that even though I had "prayed the prayer" I had never "surrendered" my life to Jesus. So, I prayed this prayer for the first time. "Lord, here I am, use me!"
It became clear to me that I needed to change some things in my life before He could use me. So, after 20+ years I quit smoking. I started spending more time with Tracey and the girls and less time doing other things that I thought I needed. I got more involved with God was doing in our church. The growth began and I don't have the words to describe it.
Since that time, God has sent me to several different countries, some Christian and some not. If there is one thing that I have learned it's this, "people are the same everywhere you go".
Everyone has needs.
There good people and bad people.
There are people with good morals and people with bad morals.
There are people that need help and people that think they need help.
There are people that want to help and people that don't.
These comparisons are not seperated by religous beliefs.
There are many people with good morals that aren't Christian, just like their are many people with bad morals that claim to be Christian.
The only difference is some have Jesus, some don't.
If you're not a Christian I urge you pray the prayer, asking Jesus into your heart.
If you are a Christian, I urge you to pray the prayer "Lord here I am, use me!"
Both prayers, if meant, will change your life forever!