Today's Testimony is going to be a bit different. A long time friend of mine posted a testimony from the last week of her moms fight for life. Before I post this testimony, I want to tell you a little about Shirley. Since the first moment I met Shirley, I knew I was in the presence of a true Southern Gem! She was always poised, postured and proper! Mrs. Shirley always made me feel comfortable, even if it came with a slight rebuke.........she was a true blessing! This was a woman who could hold her own in any situation and not drop her demeanor in any way. She was a beautiful woman who was always put together just right. She loved her family and loved her God! It was such a great honor to know her in life, and it will be a great pleasure to see her again when we are all in the presence of Jesus! Please share this testimony with your friends......someone needs it! May God bless you all!
02/07/2013: Shirley Joiner
My mom wanted her story to be shared how God Blessed her life through her journey, so I am trying to share with you the last week of her life and how God used her even in those final days to be a witness to others even thought she could not speak verbally.
Today is February 7th, on this day last year a doctor stood at my moms door and told my dad an I that my moms life had no value and we should pull the plug. I will not name her, but as of that moment she was no longer one of my moms doctors. I told her my moms life was worth more than she could ever imagine and that the Lord would give us direction and peace about when we should say to take her off the ventilator. That was really our only negative encounter the whole time.
God was gracious and he did give direction and peace. Those last days were very special, lots of time was spent reading scripture to my mom, playing some of her favorite hymns and songs, telling her how much she mean't to each one of us and was a great wife, mom and meme she had been. At this date there was still a small ray of hope that she would recover, but we were preparing ourselves that she might not. Lots of emotions were flowing, but there was so much love, and the feeling of God's presence.
I praise God that even in our most hurtful moments, we were able to rest in the arms of our Savior. Dr. Heller came in that day and told us that he called my mom his Steel Magnolia, that he had never seen such a graceful, lovely person fight so hard. I Love you mom and so grateful that God allowed me to be your daughter.. sharing for His Glory in memory of Shirley Ann Hunter Joiner...
Today is February 7th, on this day last year a doctor stood at my moms door and told my dad an I that my moms life had no value and we should pull the plug. I will not name her, but as of that moment she was no longer one of my moms doctors. I told her my moms life was worth more than she could ever imagine and that the Lord would give us direction and peace about when we should say to take her off the ventilator. That was really our only negative encounter the whole time.
God was gracious and he did give direction and peace. Those last days were very special, lots of time was spent reading scripture to my mom, playing some of her favorite hymns and songs, telling her how much she mean't to each one of us and was a great wife, mom and meme she had been. At this date there was still a small ray of hope that she would recover, but we were preparing ourselves that she might not. Lots of emotions were flowing, but there was so much love, and the feeling of God's presence.
I praise God that even in our most hurtful moments, we were able to rest in the arms of our Savior. Dr. Heller came in that day and told us that he called my mom his Steel Magnolia, that he had never seen such a graceful, lovely person fight so hard. I Love you mom and so grateful that God allowed me to be your daughter.. sharing for His Glory in memory of Shirley Ann Hunter Joiner...