The other day, I saw this testimony that was posted on FB. Although I do not know Rhonda, God led me to friend her, write her, and ask her if she would allow me to share this beautiful testimony. I showed her what God had led me to do, and she graciously allowed me to share it. The one thing that struck me when she wrote me back was that she wanted people to know that ALL glory and honor goes to God! Please share this testimony, for God gave her the precious gift in her testimony........and HE will use it for HIS glory.......and HE will use it to speak deeply to someones heart that they might find forgiveness and restoration! What a MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!! Rhonda, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gift from God......a p
28 years ago today, I made the worst decision I have ever made in my whole entire life. It has haunted me almost every single day and if I could take it back I would do so.
But on 8/13/2006 I made the GREATEST decision I have ever made in my life. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
For many years, especially 2005 - 2011, I battled with depression. Sometimes, I even felt like life didn't seem worth living.
But thanks to godly friends who pointed me to Jesus Christ and as I dug deep into God's Word I began to have clear understanding of what God's forgiveness is all about.
Our God is full of love, grace and mercy. When we accept Him as our Savior, He forgives ALL sin (not in part but in whole). He is totally amazing and I have experienced His Son as my own personal Jesus on so many levels.
When God looks at me, He sees me as righteous, because He looks at me through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Satan seeks to deceive and destroy. But Christ wants to set us free and give us eternal life!!!!
On February 23, 1985, I made the most selfish and disgusting decision I have ever made......
I chose to abort my unborn child because I was willing to do anything to get out of the crisis I felt I was facing.
I believed my family, especially my grandparents would disown me and that my boyfriend would dump me. All of which were lies straight from Satan, but I listened to his deception, and followed through with this horrible, selfish decision. Immediately I knew what I had done was wrong, but I was the one that caused the loss feeling and misery I felt inside, so how could anyone understand. More of Satan's lies.
Afflicted with
--years of regret, guilt, and nightmares of bloody babies screaming out in pain.
--Years of thoughts was my baby a boy or girl. What did he/she look like. I never got to comfort him/her as he/she cried. Never got to feed him/her. Never had the opportunity to see the fine man or women he/she would become. I robbed myself from a lifetime of all the privileges given to mothers. But when I tossed my baby out, Jesus took him/her in and one day i will meet him/her face to face and wrap my arms around my child all because of Salvation.
God blessed me with 2 wonderful daughters in 88 and 91. They are the joy of my life.
After I accepted Christ as my Savior, I began to understand God's truths and why I had experienced so much pain all those years.
--It was because I killed a precious gift from God; it was not tissue, but an unborn child. God created this child, I had no right to abort His child.
But through talking with godly friends and understanding who God truly is, I was able to forgive myself. You see, God had already forgiven me, but I continued to listen to satan as he showed me all the bad things in my past from childhood until 1985. It was destroying me but I finally accepted the forgiveness God so much wanted me to have.
I will never forget "that" day 28 years ago, but I am so thankful for God's forgiveness and that He can take the bad things we have done or the bad things we have experienced and use it for good......
---In January 2011, I was allowed to speak at the "Sanctity for Life" ceremony
---I have been given the opportunity to share my story at several churches.
---God has opened up opportunities for me to minister to other women who have made the same decision and are still hurting.
If you are lady who has made this decision or if you know someone who made this decision and you want to talk, you can message my inbox or call me
It will not go any further and I would never tell anyone, but will try help you as others have helped me.
--or if you want to know more about Jesus.
I want you to experience the same restoration I have experienced.
My favorite Bible verses are found in Psalm 91. This psalm changed my life as I studied it and experienced the secret place with Jesus Christ.
Do you know Jesus?
Have you had an encounter with the Living God?
-All of us are burdened by bad decisions in our past.
- All of us hurt over circumstances that have occurred in our lives whether they may have been our fault or from the evilness from others.
-But the answer is the same for each situation, and it is JESUS!!!
--If you read this entire story, I thank you for your friendship.
--If you are someone that has made this journey with me these past few years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love each of you very much.
--To my husband, daughters, son in law and other family members, thank you for your support and standing beside me as I share my story.
--May the God of peace, comfort, love, grace and mercy bless your life beyond measure.
Love Rhonda Smith
But on 8/13/2006 I made the GREATEST decision I have ever made in my life. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
For many years, especially 2005 - 2011, I battled with depression. Sometimes, I even felt like life didn't seem worth living.
But thanks to godly friends who pointed me to Jesus Christ and as I dug deep into God's Word I began to have clear understanding of what God's forgiveness is all about.
Our God is full of love, grace and mercy. When we accept Him as our Savior, He forgives ALL sin (not in part but in whole). He is totally amazing and I have experienced His Son as my own personal Jesus on so many levels.
When God looks at me, He sees me as righteous, because He looks at me through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Satan seeks to deceive and destroy. But Christ wants to set us free and give us eternal life!!!!
On February 23, 1985, I made the most selfish and disgusting decision I have ever made......
I chose to abort my unborn child because I was willing to do anything to get out of the crisis I felt I was facing.
I believed my family, especially my grandparents would disown me and that my boyfriend would dump me. All of which were lies straight from Satan, but I listened to his deception, and followed through with this horrible, selfish decision. Immediately I knew what I had done was wrong, but I was the one that caused the loss feeling and misery I felt inside, so how could anyone understand. More of Satan's lies.
Afflicted with
--years of regret, guilt, and nightmares of bloody babies screaming out in pain.
--Years of thoughts was my baby a boy or girl. What did he/she look like. I never got to comfort him/her as he/she cried. Never got to feed him/her. Never had the opportunity to see the fine man or women he/she would become. I robbed myself from a lifetime of all the privileges given to mothers. But when I tossed my baby out, Jesus took him/her in and one day i will meet him/her face to face and wrap my arms around my child all because of Salvation.
God blessed me with 2 wonderful daughters in 88 and 91. They are the joy of my life.
After I accepted Christ as my Savior, I began to understand God's truths and why I had experienced so much pain all those years.
--It was because I killed a precious gift from God; it was not tissue, but an unborn child. God created this child, I had no right to abort His child.
But through talking with godly friends and understanding who God truly is, I was able to forgive myself. You see, God had already forgiven me, but I continued to listen to satan as he showed me all the bad things in my past from childhood until 1985. It was destroying me but I finally accepted the forgiveness God so much wanted me to have.
I will never forget "that" day 28 years ago, but I am so thankful for God's forgiveness and that He can take the bad things we have done or the bad things we have experienced and use it for good......
---In January 2011, I was allowed to speak at the "Sanctity for Life" ceremony
---I have been given the opportunity to share my story at several churches.
---God has opened up opportunities for me to minister to other women who have made the same decision and are still hurting.
If you are lady who has made this decision or if you know someone who made this decision and you want to talk, you can message my inbox or call me
It will not go any further and I would never tell anyone, but will try help you as others have helped me.
--or if you want to know more about Jesus.
I want you to experience the same restoration I have experienced.
My favorite Bible verses are found in Psalm 91. This psalm changed my life as I studied it and experienced the secret place with Jesus Christ.
Do you know Jesus?
Have you had an encounter with the Living God?
-All of us are burdened by bad decisions in our past.
- All of us hurt over circumstances that have occurred in our lives whether they may have been our fault or from the evilness from others.
-But the answer is the same for each situation, and it is JESUS!!!
--If you read this entire story, I thank you for your friendship.
--If you are someone that has made this journey with me these past few years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love each of you very much.
--To my husband, daughters, son in law and other family members, thank you for your support and standing beside me as I share my story.
--May the God of peace, comfort, love, grace and mercy bless your life beyond measure.
Love Rhonda Smith