"Oh please!" All I could do is sit there and pray that Chris saw what I saw.......our son. At the end of the program she brought Rene back up front. Chelsea and I both had our heads bowed holding back our looks and our words, all the while praying that Chris would see what we saw.......a member of our family! Sister Joan proceeded to ask, "Is there anyone who feels led to sponsor this precious child?" What happened next will fill my soul and my mind for the rest of my life! No sooner did the words come out of Sister Joans mouth when Chris jumped up (literally) our of his seat and proclaimed, "We'll take him!" What????? Chelsea and I both looked up at him and all he could say with a big smirky smile on his face was, "I don't want to hear it!" Later that day Rene was able to come to the mission for us to talk to him and play with him. As we were talking with the interpreter, Chris asked Rene what he wanted to be when he grew up. We were not prepared for the answer he gave.......he did not know us........he did not know what Chris did for a living........but God has this incredible sense of humor as Rene answered, "I want to work on power poles!" What????!!!!! You see, Chris works for Walton EMC......our local power company! From that day on, Rene was our son! Rene was not a sponsored child......he was our son that we happened to sponsor! Every visit placed him deeper in our hearts! From the time he was little we told him that if he graduated from School, we would come to his graduation. The week of November 22-29 he will be graduating.......and we will be there! Today, we found out that we will be able to bring him home to his Heart Family for his graduation present! This has been a project in process for almost a year and a half........and today, God made it happen! I could go on forever with story after story, but just know for now..........Rene IS our SON.......ALWAYS AND FOREVER! God blessed our lives with three incredible children by birth.........and one incredible child of the heart! If anyone ever asks........we have four children, period, the end! We are truly beyond blessed! I can't wait to see how God is going to use each and everyone of our four children and their families! May God bless you all! Today I praise God for His perfect plan and for my four precious children, their spouses and our grandchildren!!!!!!
Today is the day when we officially celebrate bringing our son home to be with his Heart Family! It ma only be for a month, but we will take every opportunity that God will allow us! From the moment we laid eyes on our son......he was our son! God blessed us beyond measure that very special day ten years ago! God had a plan and that plan is still flourishing! Ten years ago we sat in the seats at the Elementary School and watched a beautiful program. Before going into the program, Chris looked at Chelsea and I and gave us this bit of information. "When we go into this program, I want you to know that we CANNOT afford to sponsor a child. As much as we would like to, we just can't. Do not ask me to sponsor a child..........do not look at me wanting to sponsor a child..........do not indicate in any way that there is a child you want to sponsor because we just cannot afford it!" We sadly agreed and went in to sit down. As the program went on, there was a group of sweet children up on the stage performing. When they finished, Sister Joan called down the most precious little boy we had ever seen! She told us how his grandmother had been raising him and she could no longer afford to pay tuition for him to continue going to the Good Samaritan School. She told us all to pray about it and we would continue the program. As I sat there I could not get my mind off this precious child. He had the most beautiful spirit and there was something so special about him.......but I could not ask......I could not look with that look of,
"Oh please!" All I could do is sit there and pray that Chris saw what I saw.......our son. At the end of the program she brought Rene back up front. Chelsea and I both had our heads bowed holding back our looks and our words, all the while praying that Chris would see what we saw.......a member of our family! Sister Joan proceeded to ask, "Is there anyone who feels led to sponsor this precious child?" What happened next will fill my soul and my mind for the rest of my life! No sooner did the words come out of Sister Joans mouth when Chris jumped up (literally) our of his seat and proclaimed, "We'll take him!" What????? Chelsea and I both looked up at him and all he could say with a big smirky smile on his face was, "I don't want to hear it!" Later that day Rene was able to come to the mission for us to talk to him and play with him. As we were talking with the interpreter, Chris asked Rene what he wanted to be when he grew up. We were not prepared for the answer he gave.......he did not know us........he did not know what Chris did for a living........but God has this incredible sense of humor as Rene answered, "I want to work on power poles!" What????!!!!! You see, Chris works for Walton EMC......our local power company! From that day on, Rene was our son! Rene was not a sponsored child......he was our son that we happened to sponsor! Every visit placed him deeper in our hearts! From the time he was little we told him that if he graduated from School, we would come to his graduation. The week of November 22-29 he will be graduating.......and we will be there! Today, we found out that we will be able to bring him home to his Heart Family for his graduation present! This has been a project in process for almost a year and a half........and today, God made it happen! I could go on forever with story after story, but just know for now..........Rene IS our SON.......ALWAYS AND FOREVER! God blessed our lives with three incredible children by birth.........and one incredible child of the heart! If anyone ever asks........we have four children, period, the end! We are truly beyond blessed! I can't wait to see how God is going to use each and everyone of our four children and their families! May God bless you all! Today I praise God for His perfect plan and for my four precious children, their spouses and our grandchildren!!!!!!
Today I really want to praise God for our Church! Over the last few Sundays, I have begun to realize the scope of ministry that is being accomplished through the different ministries at our Church. When God moved us from our wonderful Church family in Loganville several years ago, God planted us in a wonderful Church in Madison where we made some of the most INCREDIBLE friends a soul could ask for! God had a purpose.......God had a plan.......and God did amazing things in our lives. After three years, God had another plan......another purpose......and just like before........God is doing amazing things. As we have settled back into the Church that we have always known as "Home", I am constantly amazed at what God has done while we were gone. Pastor Ronnie was teaching in Psalms and during the message he spelled out how each and every one of us have opportunities through the Church to serve. OH MY GOODNESS! I knew we were a Church that was involved in Missions....not only in other Countries, but in our own.........HOWEVER, I had NO idea how deeply rooted and spread out we were! I almost could envision one of my beautiful trees in my front yard. I have a beautiful Magnolia tree in my front yard and it is tall, full and gorgeous. I look at my tree and in my mind I see roots.....large roots spreading out well beyond the tree an dropping deep into the soil. On the surface you can see some of the roots and they look strong, but those are not the extent of the root system. The root system is responsible for the incredible beauty of my tree above the ground. Those roots deliver water and nutrition that generously feed my tree and leave it in great health. I see our Church in the same way. Above the ground we have a healthy, bustling, beautiful Church, but it is the roots that feed our Church. When deeply rooted in God and His plan, His way........our roots grow deep and wide! It would take me quite a while to tell you all of the ways in which we are providing help to others, so instead of telling you, I will give you a link to the page that tells you how we can all find a place to serve! When doing Gods Will Gods way.......well, we can begin to change the world for Gods Glory! I am so thankful for my Church! If you need to find a great Church, I implore you to give us a look! We are not perfect, but we love God and we love people! If you have any questions......please feel free to write me and I will do the best I can to answer them! I am soooooooo thankful! May God bless you ALL!!!!!
http://www.fbcloganville.org/?s=WAYS+TO+SERVE when God gave me this blog to write two years ago, I had no idea how He was going to use it. Over the last six months I have struggled in many ways with finding time to do all that was before me. I have thought often of starting back, but I could not find the time. God revealed to me today that it was not that I could not find the time, rather it was that I did not MAKE the time. He has been dealing with my heart in so many ways over the last year and now is the time to share and to encourage! Today, I praise God for this incredible opportunity to reach out to others and to share my heart. Most of all, it is my chance to share the Heart of God! Once again, I am going to start sharing the testimonies of others to help encourage and strengthen the hearts of those who feel they are all alone! If you have a testimony that you wish to share for the first time, or update from one you have already shared, or even write another testimony from a different avenue from your life........well, I would love to share it! God has chosen us all to do His Will and to share Christ and what He has done for us, in us, and through us! I pray that God will use this blog for HIS Glory! I wish just to be a tool in the hands of our Almighty Savior! May God bless you and keep you all the days of your life! I love you and thank you all for loving and encouraging me!
I am glad there was a Super Bowl today, but not for the reasons most people would think. I think I only saw three plays the whole game.......but what I did see........Old friends and a new one in the home of a dear friend! Chris and I went to a Super Bowl party at the home of my dear friend Judy Watson! (....and her sweet husband Randy) It was a fun night filled with laughs and tweets! I am thankful for friends both new and old because they are all a precious gift from God! Thank You Lord for friends!
![]() Have you ever had an experience when Gods Word just jumps out at you and seems to slap you in the face? Today was one of those days for me! Before I tell you what it was, I want to give you a little piece of information about me. Although almost everyone knows me as Lorri, my real name is Lorraine. When I was younger my parents felt it important to give us the Biblical meaning of our names. Now, my name means, "Woman of Courage". I always thought that God got my name wrong or that it was some kind of joke because I had a lot of fear in my life! I was extremely afraid of heights (could not even look over the glass wall on the second story of the mall!), I was extremely afraid of failure, I was afraid of the dentist, having my children, speaking in front of people on stage or in a small group.......and the list goes on and on! Why did God give me a name that was worthy of its meaning? As a matter of fact..........that scared me too!!!! What was God going to do to me that I would have to live up to my name?????? You know, I serve a mighty God! Over the years I have seen God work deeply in my heart. I have seen Him deliver me from many of my fears, almost all of them. I was not always happy about how He did it, but I am ever so grateful that He did! My biggest fear has always been a fear of heights. When Chelsea was going through the battle with anorexia, God took us to a place called Remuda Ranch. We had a week called family week in which Chris and I had to go and have intensive therapy for the family. They took us one day to a ropes course....my biggest nightmare! I did ok until we got to the giant 40 foot pole that we had to climb......and then jump off of. Tears were immediate! If I did not climb it and face my fears, how could I expect Chelsea to face hers? Were my fears more important to hold on to than hers? Mine were justified but hers were not? As I started to climb the pole I started to hyperventilate. I would inch up the pole crying and not breathing very well. Chris thought it was because I was out of shape.......although I was, it was pure, unadulterated, FEAR! Chelsea was ahead of me on the pole talking to me to help me up. I am sure I still some sort of record for taking the longest time to get up there. Once up there we had to sit or stand on this tiny platform......and jump off down a zip line........REALLY!!!!!!! You could not just slip off of the platform and slide down, noooooooo........you had to jump off and fall about 10 feet before the line would catch you to then slide down! I think I set another record for longest time sitting on the edge crying before you jumped! I think I sat up there for at least 10 minutes before I jumped.......and when I did, I cried all the way down.......and for two days!!!!!! This is not even beginning to be an exaggeration! But let me tell you what God did that day. That day, although it ripped me from my frame.....it also ripped me from my extreme fear. I am not saying that I don't still have some fear of heights, but guess what I can do.......I can look over the glass wall at the mall and not have to walk 5 feet in from it! I can enjoy a view from the edge of a mountain, I can climb a ladder without crawling up it! God has taken away soooooo many of my fears! I can now speak in front of crowds of people without crying! I get up in front of sometimes hundreds of people and give my testimony of our battle with anorexia (I say our battle because it is a battle with everyone who loves the person who is anorexic, especially the families), or I can speak to a small group of people with NO FEAR at all! I can go to a foreign Country to spread the love of God with NO FEAR! I can sit with beautiful Hospice patients who are dying and love on them.......with NO FEAR! I may be the only one who knows how HUGE this is.........and I am soooooo thankful!!!!! Now on to this Revelation that God has given me! As I was reading a devotion that I get about the Daniel Fast, I got the answer to what God is doing and how He is doing it! I encourage all of you to go and read Psalms 112, but right now I am going to focus on two verses: "He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is established; he will not be afraid..." Psalm 112:7, 8 HUGE!!!!!! I am also going to share what was written about this: (Susan Gregory Speaking) I want my heart to be established in the Lord so that I don't experience fear, doubt or worry. The word "established" is "camak" in Hebrew. It means to lean upon, lay upon, rest upon, lean against, to support, uphold, sustain, to support or brace oneself, to refresh, and revive. Those are all words I want to describe my relationship with my Lord and His Word. I want to be so deeply rooted in God that nothing will shake me. Just like the man who built his house on the rock of the Living Word . . . I want a life that is unshakable. In Mark 11:23, Jesus teaches, "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says." To not doubt in one's heart requires that it be established in God and His Word. No doubt . . . no wavering . . . just unshakeable trust in the Lord. James teaches us in James 10:7-8 - "For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." The writer of Hebrews instructs us to, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23. So how do we become grounded, rooted, unshakeable, stable and established? By surrounding ourselves with the Word and truth of God. We put our spirit in charge, our soul on alert, and our body into action reading, meditating, and soaking in God's Word. We memorize it. We declare it. We study it. We listen to it. We get so immersed in God's Word and His Way of doing things that the carnal nature weakens and the lies of the world are replaced with the perfect Law of liberty. When a doubt comes into our mind we replace is with God's truth. If someone makes a negative comment, we replace it with God's truth. If we hear a negative report, we replace it with God's truth. Is this radical behavior? Yes! And that's okay with me. I want to be established with Christ. When the enemy tries to knock me off course, I want the battle to be short and the victory long. If I face a challenge, I want complete assurance of the positive outcome. I want to be confident because I know my Redeemer lives and He lives in me. I'm digging down to the deep soil, tapping into the rich nutrients and revelations of God's Word. The effort is all joy and I am totally convinced the rewards are abundant. This was written by Susan Gregory from the Daniel Fast Daily Devotional Now can you see what I saw?! This was so encouraging to me because there is a direct correlation between the changes over the years I have made in my life to become more Christ like, and what God has done in my life because of it! IT WORKS!!!! GODS WORD WORKS!!!!! Now that may seem to be a very simplistic thought, but that is what I have needed! It has always been obvious that Gods Word works, but I had gotten into a great slump per say of mediocrity! I had allowed circumstances in my life to cloud or mask what was right before my face! The veil was lifted!!!!!! My name means Woman of Courage......FOR A REASON! God has a plan and I no longer have to fear my name! God tells us that perfect love casts out ALL fear........and guess what God has been working on me for so long with.......having perfect love! Have I perfected it......NO......but it is a process that has now hit turbo! I don't want to delve to deeply into this because I have so much more to write about, about Honduras! Changes are a comin in my life! Now that the veil has been lifted, I have no more excuses!!!! I am excited about this word from God to me! I hope I have not left you confused........but if I have, just ask me what you want to ask! I have such a long way to go, but in the words of Joyce Meyer.....I have made it UP one ring around the mountain! Today, I praise God for a new Revelation in my life!!!! ![]() Since I have been busy with my 365 Days of Testimony, my days of praise kind of came to a halt. Today, God gave me a great blessing in three wonderful people who blessed me on what had been a very bad day. I had almost come to tears, I was very hungry, VERY tired......and not even half way through my day when I went to go eat at my favorite Restaurant (of the faster food persuasion). Devon had eaten a huge hot dog from Sams and had a giant drink that he just had to take in with us. We walked in and we were greeted with a happy hello! Jairen, a sweet young woman working the counter made reference to the little fella with the big drink! I explained his need to bring it in and she laughed and told me she thought it was great.......which gave me great relief about bringing in a drink from somewhere else. She quickly fixed my food and at the end I asked her for guacamole. She sweetly explained that it would cost extra to which I just tiredly told her that was fine. She gave me a smile when she then said, "It is definitely a guacamole kind of day!", and boy did she hit the nail on the head! We went to pay and Adrian, a young man with whom I have seen there several times before, was so helpful and kind as I am sure he noticed that I was looking quite haggard and whooped! As I sat down to eat, Devon started getting upset because he did not have any food, even though he had just eaten a Man Sized Hot Dog! I asked Jairen if I could buy some onions and peppers since they are his favorite, and she quickly gave me some and told me not to worry about it. I gave them to Devon and turned to get his fork, and when I turned around.....he had spilled them all over himself and the floor!!!! I was too tired to even get upset.....and it was an accident, (one of many for the day).......we both had a rough day! Before I could even say anything, Adrian was johnny on the spot with a broom and dust pan telling me not to worry, he was on it! By this time, they had made me feel so special.......and when I turned the other way, Jairen was right there handing me some more to replace what had been spilled! I was fighting back tears because they were going out of their way to make my day a bit easier! As I was finishing up my food, Adrian had been cleaning and as he came over by me, I told him how much I appreciated him....not just for today, but every time I have been there. He is so helpful and has a beautiful smile that can make a bad day seem not so bad. All of a sudden, he said, "hold on!" and he disappeared. Next thing I know, he came out with a special coupon for me! I also saw him do something that not many people would even pay attention to, but he got a cup of water and took it outside to the patio and poured water in a bowl for a dog that was outside with its owner...........he took care of ALL who were there with a pep in his step and a smile on his face! Who woulda thunk that my day would have been so blessed because of one meal! I thank God for people who love their jobs and that love overflows to the people they serve. The other day I was somewhere and something had gone wrong with someones order, and the girl made it a point to say over and over again that if it were not for us she would not have a paycheck.......and she did it almost to the point of uncomfortable. Today, I was told how thankful they were to those who came in and ate because it gave them a paycheck........but it was not with words.......it was with actions..........and that felt so much more real and genuine! I also want to thank the young man who was working on line prep.......his smile was contagious and it melted my heart that had gone a bit cold before I had even got there! Kevin is his name, and he did an excellent job making Devon and me smile! Jairen, Adrian, and Kevin.........THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY! Today, I praise God for you and for how you make people feel! I praise God for your servants hearts! I praise God for the chance to get to bring attention to some fine young people who are making a difference! Father God, I pray that You will bless these young people.......I pray that You will give them great joy and peace as they find Your Will for their lives!!! In Jesus name I pray.......Amen! ![]() This last year has been an incredible journey for me. Although there were many days that I failed to get the days posted, God always gave me the ability and the honor of catching up! This last year has given me a chance to really reflect on the importance of family, friends, fellowship and reflection. I have looked at not only the huge things to praise Him for, but at the small and what would seem almost insignificant. I learned that these small things are sometimes just a big as the ones that are blatantly obvious! It has made me reach deep down beyond the obvious and for that I am so grateful. I also have learned to see the praise in the pain! This last year has been filled with great times......but also very painful times as well. Even in that deep pain.......God showed me the praise that was to be found in it. I pray that over this next year, each of you will take the time daily to find the praise in that day......in each moment that forms and impacts your life. God is great and He is greatly to be praised! I also praise God for the new direction for next year! The testimonies are slow to come in, but God WILL provide them when I need them......and when HE wants them! I am thinking that God is going to be teaching me a major lesson on faith! I am confident that many lives will be touched and I pray that God will use each and every testimony to reach those who need them......for HIS Glory! May God bless each and every one of you this upcoming year.......and I pray that He will show you every single day......a reason for praising HIM!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! ![]() Today was a very special day! Today was the birthday of my baby sister, Luisa. Truth be known......Luisa is one of my Heroes! I praise God for every day that she has been here on earth! The picture posted here shows a beautiful, healthy looking YOUNG lady. Every single day Luisa fights a battle of chronic pain and unexplained health issues......and yet every single day she fights and goes on. My mind cannot even comprehend her daily battle, and yet she faces every day with grace, Gods grace! Luisa is a strong and opinionated woman.....and whether you agree with her or not, she is amazing! She has such great confidence in women.....especially strong godly women! Luisa is an incredible wife and mother who loves her family with a fierce love! She has also encouraged all of us who know and love her in one way or another. When I am down and struggling with my memory......she remembers for me.......when I am down and feeling worthless.....she reminds me of my worth......when I am down and feeling hopeless....she reminds me of the hope that is right there before me in Jesus! Don't get me wrong.....we can have our differences and on certain things we do not see eye to eye......but one thing I know without a doubt......she loves me unconditionally with a love that is like that of Christ! With Luisa, I don't have to be perfect......I just have to be me! God has given Luisa so many gifts that I have often wished I had, and yet the gifts he has given Me, Luisa......and our incredible sister Leslie, all seem to work together and are used when they are needed in each circumstance! P.S. Leslie is incredible too and I also thank God for her in more ways than she could ever imagine! She is an incredible teacher who loves her students in ways that EVERY teacher should love their students to help them learn! She also lives every day not knowing how her health issues will affect her, but she also just trudges through and makes the best she can of every day! I really don't know why God blessed me so greatly with these two women......but I am ever so thankful! As the oldest sister, I often failed them when we were growing up, but God has given me the chance to make up for my failures.......and I am thankful! I pray that God will work greatly in each of our lives and that He will extend His healing hand to touch their bodies in the way that He will receive ALL glory, honor and praise! I pray that each and every day, each of us will live our lives to the fullest and that our lives, our actions and our love will bring honor and glory to HIS name! Luisa.......Leslie.....you are my heroes.......and I thank you for loving me......your goofy older sister! Praise Day 363: Today I praise God for being able to celebrate Christmas with my sweet family!12/29/2012 ![]() Today we were able to celebrate Christmas with our family! As you can see above I had four wonderful reasons to have a great day! The two little ones had fun with a yummy Sees Sucker from Santa Barbara, CA. God has blessed us incredibly with a beautiful family that loves each other. We have our hard times and we don't always agree......but we do always have a love that is deep and binding. It was not as much about presents, but it was more about love. With Candice and Josh being so far away, it is a blessing to be able to be all together. We had a huge pot of chilli on this cold winter day with a sausage cheese dip, pies, ice cream........and lots of tasty fixins! After being gone for a week, it was such a relief to have the ones we love close by. God is so great and greatly to be praised.......and I praise h ![]() Day 352: Today I praise God for the chance to live near my wonderful middle sister, Leslie Fitzpatrick! I have gotten off on my days and so I want to praise God for things that are not necessarily day specific.....and my sister is definitely one I want to praise God for! Leslie is the middle child of three and I know that over the years she has felt the full force of being the middle child. I know that growing up I was not always the nicest sister, however don't mess with her because she is MY sister and I am the only one who can do that! Hehehe....Truth! Leslie is an incredible woman who has a great ability for teaching young minds. Due to health issues she has had to step down from teaching, but God has now given her the chance to help me work with Devon......and we are both excited about the task! Leslie is a great sister and I am so blessed to have her....and Luisa as sisters! Thank you Leslie for loving me....even when I am not lovable......I love you!!!! Day 353: Today I praise God for two very funny bother in laws! Both of my sisters have married very different men.....but both have such a great sense of humor.....in different ways! I can be around both and just laugh my head off! One of Gods great gifts to us is humor and laughter. I wish we could put my two very funny bother in laws in with my very funny husband all at the same time......honestly I don't know if my bladder could handle it! I am so thankful that God gave us ALL great and funny husbands! Day 354: Today I praise God for the opportunities that He has given me that could only come from Him! God gave me the chance to go and visit my sister in Malibu.....Me.....Country girl with my Country man and daughter.....in MALIBU! Hehehe......God is so good! He put certain opportunities in front of me and gave us the ability to go.....when really there should have been no way...and for that, I can't thank Him enough! Day 355: Today I praise God for a safe day of travel and a blessed day of reunion! We started the day quite early.......5:00 early, and we did not stop until about 1:00 a.m. California time (that is 4:00 home time)! The plane ride was about 5 hours and a bit bumpy....but relatively uneventful....except for Chris.....he was on the isle seat with a jack in the box......hehehe! Once we arrived, we were met by Rob, my brother in law at the airport for the ride to the BU! I could hardly wait to see Luisa.....and Will.....and of course Rob too, but we were with him! It has been three very long years since we have seen them and I have missed them with all that is in me! The hugs when we arrived were PRICELESS! Will has grown so tall.....and turned into a young man for what seemed to me overnight! We had a wonderful evening eating diner across from the beach......almost getting run over (well, technically Rob almost hit Will....hehehe...not really but we gave him a hard time about it!), and catching up for hours! I was so greatly blessed and I praise God! Day 356: Today I praise God for one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen! I praise Him for way more than that, but this was how my day started! I was first up, and my camera was quickly picked up! The colors were spectacular and they changed minute by minute! I posted the collage of pics I took from that morning.....and I have to tell you, very little editing was done! We had a wonderful first full day that was full of surfing, food, fellowship and FUN!!!! Day 357: Today I praise God for the opportunity to Worship with the Shearer family! The church that Luisa, Rob and Will go to is a church on the beautiful campus of Pepperdine. We went to Church and we shared communion in celebration of the birth of Christ. They do their music accapella......which we all know I love! At some points in the music there was a beautiful four part harmony coming through! Will and Rob were both ushers and it made me quite proud to see them serving in the church. Their pastor is from Australia and he had a lovely accent as he preached the Word of God. When we let out, we had the chance to see part of the campus that you can't see from the road......and it was magnificent! God has really blessed Rob and Luisa with this job and their incredible home with one of the most stunning views I have ever seen! (I was trying not to covet my sister while there.......hehehe.....but I am sooooo happy for them and the beauty God has surrounded them with!) It was another incredible day and I was sooooooo blessed! Praise Day 358: Today I praise God for the rain on this lovely Christmas Eve! Now, Luisa was terribly disappointed because it was raining, but we did not mind at all! It rained on and off several of the days we were there so I was not able to get pictures of the views since they were mostly in the clouds.....but to me....it did not stop the beauty! Because they have so little rain there, when it does.....the grass becomes the most beautiful green! They have deer that just walk around campus and don't run when they see you! We had another wonderful day of surfing, food and fun.....all while realizing how incredibly blessed we are! Praise Day 359: Today I praise God for the Birthday of His Son Jesus! From the moment we woke up til the moment we went to bed......we celebrated! Luisa stared the day with her Happy Birthday hat and dance as we celebrated the birth of our Savior! It was one of the most incredible Christmases I have ever had.........and it revolved around celebrating with very few gifts that were monetary, but full of Christmas Merriment and Cheer! We played ping pong on the dining room table, a game that required teams and guessing (in other words, I forgot the name of the game, but it was fun!), an incredible steak, mashed potatoes and green bean dinner.......and watching CHRIS surf! I could not have been any more blessed, other than to have my WHOLE family with me! God is so great! Praise Day 360: Today I praise God for a day that meant so much to Chris! Today Chris, Rob, Will and Chelsea went on a hike through the mountains to go see the location of the set where MASH was filmed! This was one of Chris's favorite shows and the set where the outdoors portions of the show were filmed was just a short drive away from where Luisa and Rob live. There were still parts of the set left like the signs and a few ambulances that were there. They all had a blast and were aptly whooped from the hike! This was one thing he really wanted to do, and God worked it all out! Praise Day 361: Today I praise God for getting to see several different parts of California including Santa Barbara where Will goes to College, and downtown Santa Monica! Now, truth be told, I think we did some of this on different days, but we did so much I could not keep up with when it actually happened! In saying this, the one thing I am so thankful for is that I was able to see an incredibly beautiful school and know that my nephew is so happy in where God has led him to continue his education! Will is a wonderful young man and I know that God is going to use him greatly! Downtown Santa Monica is also a beautiful place! I have been so many different places in the US and in South America......and one thing I know for sure.......God has created such a beautiful world! I have seen sights that boast of the beauty of our God! He has blessed us beyond measure and although different areas can be vastly different.....they ALL have a beauty if you just open your eyes......and your heart! Even places that are not necessarily visually beautiful, you can see beautiful people with beautiful hearts! There is also a lot of ugly in our world, both visually and in some peoples hearts......but ALWAYS look for the beauty.....it IS there! Oh how blessed we are! Praise Day 362: Today I praise God for a safe trip home and a chance to see ALL of our children and grandchildren all in the same day! The trip home was great, it just started really early......and my heart was sad at the same time because I had to leave my sisters family again, but God is good and gave us the chance to see each of our children, their spouses, and grandchildren! I have missed them so much and Christmas is coming a bit late with them., but it is coming tomorrow!!!! They are each so wonderful, beautiful, loving, and special in so many ways! We love our family and God just keeps on blessing us with an ability to see them and spend time with them! Today was a long and tiring day......full of emotion.....and full of blessing!!! May God bless you all and thank you for your patience with me as I caught up! Please do be praying about sharing your testimony for the 365 Days of Testimony starting on January 1, 2013! God is going to use it in a really big way......so please consider being used by God in a VERY special way! Just let me know if you need more in |
AuthorI am a fun loving Honeygram, wife and mother who loves Jesus with my whole heart! If you have any questions.....just ask me and I will do what I can to answer them! May God Bless You All! Archives
September 2014
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