I am truly a blessed woman! Today I got to spend time with one of my best friends while eating Mexican food, spent time with Chelsea and Devon, cut Brett's hair like I have been for over 25 years, got to hold my beautiful new granddaughter, had my socks blessed off with a wonderful message in bible study at church, and finally got to be at practice with the band as they kick up the game with our songs to record! Does it get much better than this? God is great and greatly to be praised and I want to praise Him for my day! There were moments that were not fun in the process, but God takes those moments and uses them for His glory as I learn from my mistakes! To ALL of my friends, I want to thank you for loving me and for your friendship! I want to let you know that each of you are a blessing in my life and I am thankful! This may not be a power packed post. . . .but I wanted to remind myself just how blessed I am!
Psa 95:1 OH come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
Wow.....let me tell you what a blessing it is to be the manager of Against the Downpour! I am so blessed to be surrounded by young men who love the Lord their God with all of their hearts. Last night we were going to have a practice in which we were going to work on harmonies.....at least that is what I thought! Apparently God had other plans. We sat down to do our devotion before practice and Russ shared with us that he had done his devotion that day on Psalms 95. Well, Caleb looked it up and had this idea of singing the Psalm. Little did we know that a new song would be birthed! It is not the Psalm verbatim, but it is parts of different Psalms and worship from the hearts of these fellas. Ryan who plays the bass guitar came up with a part that absolutely blew me away! God was working through these verses! "OH come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms." These verses are so good they bore repeating! As they put the song together, a praise and worship song that includes audience participation was born! If this is not a blessing, then what is? God's Word is full of songs just waiting to be written on the hearts of His people! These songs are His promises to those who love Him! This blessing alone is a reason that we should reach out to those we love so that they can feel the same joy and blessing that we experience on a daily basis! ~Father God, I thank you for your many blessings! I praise You for the promises You have given us! I pray Father that You will use me to reach those who do not know You and need Your loving kindness and salvation! I pray Father that You will continue to bless the band and the mighty work that they are doing to further Your kingdom! I pray that You will touch each of their lives in a special way and that those things that need changed in their lives You will give freedom! Father, I pray that any sin that creeps into their lives will be brought to their attention so that You can cleanse their hearts and make them pure that Your will might be done as they minister to those who need to find you, and those who need to be encouraged to keep on in their walk with You! I love You and praise You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . . Amen! ~ I am truly excited and I want anyone who wants to follow this blog to feel uplifted and encouraged on a daily basis! Often times time is short and I do not have time to get on the computer for anything but checking email. God has truly blessed my life and I long to share the blessings that He bestows on me daily as an encouragement to others. Please do not think that my life is perfect....as you look through the site, you will see it is anything but perfect. I am writing this blog more for myself....to remind me daily just how blessed I am! I am hoping to do a daily devotion like I try to do on Facebook...for God is Great.....All the Time!!!!!! I also want to share my beautiful grandchildren with you and the adventures of their parents! Chris and I are also about to be empty nesters.....Yikes! Chelsea is about to step out into a God quest adventure that I will also be sharing! I hope I don't bore you! May God bless you and keep you!
Lorri |