As I sat here and listened to this song.....once again God proved to me how powerful our testimony is! Our testimony IS a part of our scars! We don't have to hide them! When we try to hide our scars, there is still shame involved.....we worry about what others may think about us. I am here to tell you, there is such great freedom.....and beauty in revealing those scars! There is such a great witness in revealing those scars when we have allowed God to take the sin, take the shame, and heal our broken hearts and spirits! When we reveal those scars and speak of the greatness of our God.....that my friends is using the great gift of your testimony! When I hear the testimonies of others, there is such great peace that flows from our Fathers heart to ours! Testimonies may not be pretty....most often they are ugly and filled with great pain! BUT GOD!!!!!! I have so many different avenues to my testimony and just looking at what they are about is not is filled with regret.......BUT GOD!!!! Now I am free!!!! Now I have a deep peace that truly surpasses ALL understanding!!!! Now.....I love my scars....God has made beauty from the ashes of my life and left those beautiful scars as a lasting reminder of HIS LOVE FOR ME!!!!! The most beautiful scars in the history of the whole world are the scars that are on the hands and feet of our INCREDIBLE SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! His scars should be the ultimate reminder of Gods Love and Grace! Oh my friends....let yourself be freed from the shame and share your beautiful scars!
This morning, Chris and I went to go workout at the gym at his office. As I stepped outside the door, the fresh crisp air felt like a tiny piece of Heaven! I am such a wimp when it comes to heat. . . .and truth be known, I am a wimp when it comes to cold too. I would be completely satisfied living in a place that has temperatures between 55 and 75 degrees all year round! I love being able to open the doors and windows to let fresh clean air drift ever so graciously through my house. There is something so refreshing about not having to run the air or heat. . . . and I love the power bill better then too! Soon the leaves on the trees will be turning beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange, creating a beautiful tapestry for my fall pictures! I hope that each of you will take the time to go outside and just breathe! Open some windows and feel the comfort that comes with fresh air infiltrating your home! Take a moment to thank God for life and for the blessings that He has poured out on you! If you have trouble thinking of anything, then open your eyes. . . . look around. . . . and thank God that you have eyes! If you don't have sight. . . . which if you are reading this, I believe you do. . . . then open your ears and listen to the beautiful sounds of nature. . . the birds, frogs, crickets, wind, voices. . . . etc. and then thank God for your ears! I think you get the picture, we ALL have SOMETHING to be thankful for! I pray Gods blessings over each of your lives, and I want you to know. . . . I am thankful for you
Wow, where has the time gone? It has been some time since I have written on this almost forgotten blog. . . . but alas, I am coming back! This next year I am going to be doing 365 Days of Testimonies, and as you know FB is not set up to write long articles. . . . . soooooooo, what I will do is post the Testimonies on my blog and share part of it on FB. . . . . this way you can start reading it either on here, or FB and click the link to come. . . . well,. . . . . here! I am excited about what God is doing and I am thankful that He wants to use me to help others! This will be two fold . . . . helping those who need to hear the testimony, and those who share their testimony will find that God is going to use them greatly for HIS GLORY!!!!! Praise God!!!!! For now, I have to get into practice of writing everyday. . . . .I may still do a praise a day as well. I also want to start giving recipes that I make up almost daily, share my pictures, share about what God is doing with the family. . . . .and the band! Pray that I will be able to keep up! I am so thankful that God has given me a voice through my fingers! May God bless you all and if you need prayer. . . . please leave me a message and I will pray!!!! I love you ALL!!!!!