![]() Today completed our second full day of travel to our destination......Colorado Springs, CO. to have Thanksgiving with Candice, Josh, Devon and Tidus! Oh how I have missed my family! When we were about an hour away, we came over the hill to see this sight! I was driving and Chris told me to pull over and grab my camera! We did and I went over to the side and snapped this incredible sight........oh what a blessing! There were many more I wish I could have gotten along the way, but this one......well, it took the cake!!!! We were so blessed just on the first two days of this trip.......blessed to have Christian and Chelsea with us.......blessed to see family.......blessed to finally get to see Candice and her family......and blessed to have each and every opportunity!!!!! I have so
![]() Wow......it is not everyday you get to spend time with a 101 year old woman who is so full of memories and wisdom! Grandma Gann is such an incredible inspiration and God gave us a full day with her! We had lunch with her at her home, watched football (one of her FAVORITE things to do), and then had dinner over at Bob and Joyces house! Grandma has so much life in her.......she has been so blessed by God and He is still blessing her with a long life! In return, she is such a great blessing to her family, and all of those who know her. As we walked the halls of Presbyterian Manor, it was obvious that she has made an impact in the lives of people there. Her life is an inspiration to anyone who meets her! I wish we lived closer and had more opportunities to see her and all of Chris's family.......Stacy's and Gann's! This day was a complete gift from God and I will treasure it always! I also want to thank Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce for their wonderful hospitality........and many, many laughs! Laughing......it does a body great!!!!! Today we arrived in Kansas for our first leg of the trip to visit some of Chris's family! The trip to Colorado is incredibly long, and Aunt Joyce, Uncle Bob and Grandma Gann were on the way! Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce opened up there home for these weary travelers and we had the absolute honor of getting to see Grandma again too! She is now 101 and let me tell you, she is INCREDIBLE!!!! I praise God that He has given us both great families that are willing to help family out in times of travel! I always love to spend time with family catching up, hugging each other, eating together, and sharing our lives together! I am also thankful for the van that God provided for the Band and our family, because it made the trip so much more comfortable! It drove great and helped a very long trip go by......well, not faster......but definitely our bodies fared much better with all the room and comfort of those seats! I praise God for supplying that need!!!!!!
Have you ever had a problem that you did not even see as something to take to God......but you should have? Due to leaving for Colorado, I had to go clean the building that I clean on Friday afternoon. I was so worried about when I would clean it for the next weekend since we would not be back until after they started back to work. I was talking to my friend who works there about it, and she told me that her daughter would do it for such and such price because she needed to buy someone a gift and was not sure how she was going to earn the money. It was such a great blessing to have an unprayed prayer be answered! Now.....the story would be incredible if it stopped there, but God did not stop there! I had no way to pay her for her work until I got my check and that would be a bit later........weeeeeeeell, about the time it was quitting time at the office, one of the guys came and sat in the office of another friend of mine who works there and he was talking about how his shoulder really hurt. For anyone who knows me.......the massage began to relieve his pain. We worked on it for about 20 min. and he was feeling much better, (just so you know.....he is a friend too......I have a lot of friends that work there since I used to work there too!) He was getting up to leave and he turned to me and handed me the exact amount that I needed to pay this other person! I looked at him and told him that I never expected to be paid, but he told me to use it to put gas in my car because he appreciated it so much! How do you say no to that.....especially knowing that God was providing exactly what I needed in answering a prayer I never prayed?!!!!! I am so thankful for a God who knows my every need and takes care of me! I am so thankful for a Father who loves His children and reminds them of this love in unexpected ways! I praise God for my unprayed praer
Today is Thursday so it is practice night for the band. I am always so blessed on Thursdays because I get to take Sam to and fr.om practice so we get to talk and have really deep conversations........or laugh our heads off as we share our wittiness driving down the road! (Sam is a hoot y'all!) Now Sam just got himself one really rockin new amplifier! I have to tell you......listening to him play, just makes my heart smile! Not only has God given him great talent......but Sams heart for the Lord comes through when he plays........it is absolutely AMAZING!!!!! Caleb blew us all away tonight with great power in his voice like never before! He has had one vocal lesson, and the improvement is nothing short of amazing! God is really working with the fellas......Russ is improving his drumming, and we all know how fun it is to watch him play! The joy that exudes from him as he plays is so inspiring! Ryan, man, he has improved as well and he even has gotten some pep in his step when performing....it is so great to see him movin!!!! Oh, and by the way......I beat him twice at pool before practice......hehehehe.....and that made my day!!!!! I praise God for loving me so much and putting great joy in my life in so many different ways......I love the diversity of joy that He has given me and I am ev
![]() In this life here on earth, there will always be times of sadness, disappointment, hurt, people will let you down and you will let people down! There are so many different scenarios that take place every single day. There will also be days of joy, peace, accomplishment, and utter elation! The one constant we have in life is that if you are a child of God......you will always have him there to talk to! Prayer is our way of communicating with Him and if we allow it to be, it can be one of the most intimate, fulfilling experiences of our lives......and it is available 24/7. Now, here I have to admit that often.....I forget to go to Him, or even worse.....some days I don't want to! Maybe it is just me, maybe I am the only one who has gotten so angry and frustrated for lack of understanding that I could not find the words nor wanted to find words, but the words just flowed out anyway.......because even in frustration......HE is the love of my heart! Most often when I feel this way it is because I am afraid that He is going to tell me something I don't want to hear......or that I am going to have to change something I don't want to change! You know, I am so thankful that God loves me enough to talk to me and tell me what He wants me to know and how He expects me to respond. He loves me in the good times and He loves me in the bad times. It is funny that we can hear Him when we can't "hear" Him. He speaks through His Word and through circumstances......He speaks to us through a soft breeze or a violent wind.......He speaks to us through little FB messages and through wise counsel of godly men and women..........Oh how beautiful are His ways of speaking to us........and even sometimes, through us! Prayer is Gods gift to us to help us truly find Him, trust Him, and commune with Him. Prayer is not just for calling out to Him when we are in need, it is also for thanking Him and praising Him.......I am sooooooo thankful for prayer! I am soooooo thankful for a Heavenly Father who listens to me and loves me, even when what I have to say is fruitless and I am unlovable! I am thankful that I have access to Him in the blink of and eye.....I don't have to track Him down or search for Him, He is just there.....ALWAYS there! ![]() Now you may be looking at the title of my praise.....and looking at the pic I posted with it and go, "Huh?"! Well, three weeks ago, Chris had Chelsea take my car to school with her while he had a few things done to her car. This was much to my chagrin because I love my car and I was a bit unhappy to loose it for so long! Today I went to go see my sweet hospice patients, (oh and I have some good news.....one of my ladies had a stomach ache......but she assured me that the good news was that she was not pregnant!!!) and to see Chelsea and her friends at the school. We traded cars again, and now I have my wonderful, beautiful blue car back!!!!!! Now since I do not have a pic of my car......I thought I would give you a pic of my beautiful baby girl! I had such a blessed day today between my hospice patients and college students, and I am so thankful for the opportunities that God is continually giving me! I pray that God will pour out His blessings on you too!!!!! Yeah!!!! I am finally getting the pecans shelled that God has blessed us with! He has given us a great crop of yummy pecans and I am finding great peace as I sit and shell them. At first it seemed like a burden, but as I sit and shell the pecans....I am feeling a great sense of accomplishment and joy. Even when the back starts aching, I am reminded that God has given us an opportunity to take what He has provided and use it to help with our needs. God is so great to supply those needs....even
![]() Today (Saturday) was the day that we said goodbye to my Grandma Winifred. It was such a beautiful and inspirational service of celebration! We had many family members from both our family and Winifreds family, and her life was celebrated for the blessing that it was to our families. I am sad that she is not longer here, but I am thankful that she is no longe ![]() Today was one of the best days of my life! As a mother and Honeygram, to see your children and grandchildren accept Christ as their Savior are some of the happiest days on this planet! It is at this time that the reality of Heaven and eternity with Christ.......and with your family who accepts Christ, gives you great joy and peace! Today Tanner was baptized, in accordance to Gods Word, as an act of obedience to Gods commands. I was so proud and so filled with peace and comfort! I pray God will bless Tanner and lead him as he seeks out Gods Will and plan for his life! God is gonna use this young boy in great and mighty ways for HIS Kingdom! I am one VERY HAPPY HONEYGRAM! I am proud of Bubba and Tammy for leading Tanner and Carly in the ways of the Lord, and for giving them a heritage of faith and love in Christ......it has been an incredible day of blessing......and I am BEYOND THANKFUL!!!! |
AuthorI am a fun loving Honeygram, wife and mother who loves Jesus with my whole heart! If you have any questions.....just ask me and I will do what I can to answer them! May God Bless You All! Archives
September 2014
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