Now you may be looking at the title of my praise.....and looking at the pic I posted with it and go, "Huh?"! Well, three weeks ago, Chris had Chelsea take my car to school with her while he had a few things done to her car. This was much to my chagrin because I love my car and I was a bit unhappy to loose it for so long! Today I went to go see my sweet hospice patients, (oh and I have some good news.....one of my ladies had a stomach ache......but she assured me that the good news was that she was not pregnant!!!) and to see Chelsea and her friends at the school. We traded cars again, and now I have my wonderful, beautiful blue car back!!!!!! Now since I do not have a pic of my car......I thought I would give you a pic of my beautiful baby girl! I had such a blessed day today between my hospice patients and college students, and I am so thankful for the opportunities that God is continually giving me! I pray that God will pour out His blessings on you too!!!!!