This day has been so incredible! God has blessed me way beyond measure today at the Faith Fest in Winder, Ga! The boys played INCREDIBLY today and I know many people were blessed....especially me. Chris and I took Chelsea and Christian to Golden Coral for her Birthday lunch and we had a blast laughing, eating, and having fun with our waitress. I also got to snag a few great pictures of Chelsea and Christian that I will post when I get back home!!! They dropped me back at the Festival where I have had a blast visiting and talking to the Bands: The Museum and Last Flight Out.....oh how blessed we ALL have been today!!! Oh, and I forgot to mention the time we got to visit with the incredible Campbell family!!!! My feet are bare and propped up, ready to Rock it out with The Museum.......LIFE IS GREAT!!!! Thank You Lord for Your Incredible blessings today!!!!! Today I praise God for an incredibly beautiful day of singing, worshiping, fellowshipping, spending time with old friends and new, celebrating Chelsea's Birthday......and having one of the best days I have had in a long time!!!!