Today was a day that did not go as expected. I finally got the story of Mr. May written and I was going to go and get the next part of the story. When I arrived at the Hospital I went straight to Mr. Mays room to let him know I would be coming by soon to visit and get his story for today. As I walked in, it was very quiet. Mr. May was asleep so I talked to Terri, the beautiful woman who sits with him during the day, and she said he had been quite tired today. I told her I would be back in about an hour to see how he was doing. I went to visit a few of my patients and I was standing up front writing my reports when I saw Terri leaving for the day. I asked her how he was doing and she said she believed he was going to sleep the rest of the day. He was really tired and not quite feeling up to par. I told Terri that I would just stop in and quietly visit with him as he slept.......more for me than for him at this point. I visited two more patients and proceeded on to Mr. Mays room. As I walked in, I saw his eyes crack open and he gave me that wonderful smile that just makes my day. I whispered to him that I was not going to stay so he could sleep. He told me that he would love for me to stay, so I came on in and we had a very unique visit! I let him know that I had finished the rest of his story up to the point of him having a desk across from the very beautiful future Mrs. May. He was so funny.....he proceeded to ask me if he was on the internet again and when I told him he was......his smile got even bigger! I asked him if he would like me to read it to him and he said, "OH YES!". As I read the story, he was so wide eyed and attentive to each and every detail. I could almost see him reliving his past in those few moments of time when I was reading it to him. There was such great joy, not only for Mr. May, but for me. How did I become so blessed to experience these little moments in time that fill my heart to capacity? In a second, Mr. May went from great great sadness. His eyes filled with tears and his face was covered with a look of failure. My heart went from elation, to a great sinking sensation. He then said to me, "I am so sorry, I have nothing for you today!" His voice was riddled with the sound of guilt......and I was quickly feeling his crushing sadness. I was very quick to tell him that there was no need for sadness! I have been covered up with pictures and writing, job searching and grandchildren! I let him know that he has so much to give! I told him that he was giving more than he knew.....every single day to so many people! This is when I felt that I had to let him know exactly what he does for me every time I come to see him. I'll be honest, I don't know exactly word for word what I said, because it was God speaking through me to Mr. May. It went something like this, "Mr. May........God has a purpose for your life and you have so much still left to give! Every time I walk in your room I am overwhelmed by the love in your smile! Your eyes amaze me because they are filled with such great expression! When we visit my heart is full because you bring me great joy through the history of your life! God has blessed me beyond measure with the honor of knowing you! Everyone who walks through that door gets the same smile and bright eyes.......and it is a blessing! You are a blessing!"
As I finished what I was saying, his tear filled eyes looked deep into my eyes and he told me thank you. I said, "You see Mr. May, you did have something for me! Your story will still be here when I come next time, but this time........God had another plan!" I asked him if it would be ok if I shared this today and he said, "Yes.......please do!". He was so funny....he gave me one request.......and it blew me away. He told me to write that he told me he loved me! Not the kind of love that some might think, but the love that comes from being given hope, purpose, and perspective. I think that what he saw.......was the love of Christ for him! God gave those words of encouragement and purpose to Mr. May as a gift of love for him! I may have been the mouth piece, but God was the giver! One thing that has so impressed me with Mr. the love that he has for people, but the one who he loves the most here on his beautiful wife! When I go to visit him again, we will be going over the next adventure in his life.......and that is the beginning of the love story between he and Mrs. May! Whenever he talks about her, his whole countenance just lights up! I hope and pray that when the day comes and Chris and I have been together for 60 years.....that we will both light up like Mr. May does for his bride! I am also excited to tell you that when I do write again......I have some incredibly beautiful wedding pictures to share with you all that I took with my phone from their wedding album! May God bless you all........and God willing, when we meet again......a living history will come to l