Wow, where has the time gone? It has been some time since I have written on this almost forgotten blog. . . . but alas, I am coming back! This next year I am going to be doing 365 Days of Testimonies, and as you know FB is not set up to write long articles. . . . . soooooooo, what I will do is post the Testimonies on my blog and share part of it on FB. . . . . this way you can start reading it either on here, or FB and click the link to come. . . . well,. . . . . here! I am excited about what God is doing and I am thankful that He wants to use me to help others! This will be two fold . . . . helping those who need to hear the testimony, and those who share their testimony will find that God is going to use them greatly for HIS GLORY!!!!! Praise God!!!!! For now, I have to get into practice of writing everyday. . . . .I may still do a praise a day as well. I also want to start giving recipes that I make up almost daily, share my pictures, share about what God is doing with the family. . . . .and the band! Pray that I will be able to keep up! I am so thankful that God has given me a voice through my fingers! May God bless you all and if you need prayer. . . . please leave me a message and I will pray!!!! I love you ALL!!!!!