When I left off the last part of this story, I had shared with you about my Angel here on earth and his name was John.....the Coffee Man! Chris and I talked about the prospect of Chelsea and I going back to Honduras for three weeks. I went to Tony Hewett and told him the story and I let him know that Chelsea and I were seriously thinking about signing up, but that we needed to make sure that I was really going to get the coffee.....after all.....it was almost unbelievable. Tony told me, "Well, you and Chelsea have 800.00 in your missions account!" What???? How?????? Are you kidding me????? You see......God had laid it on a certain individuals heart that there was someone else who was going to go......but He did not tell this person who it was. I found out later that this person thought it was someone else at first, but God put us in that spot! Wow......Coffee coming.....1/4 of the way paid for both of us......how in the world could we doubt? I talked to Chelsea about it some more and she decided that her summer school schedule was going to be very tight and it would not be possible for her to go. I got the coffee hand delivered to my house by one very special human angel and this made my heart rejoice.....NOW I knew for sure I could go! I went back to Tony and told him I was going for sure but that Chelsea would not get to go. My automatic assumption was that if she did not go, I would only get half of the money. Tony told me very quickly that all of the money would stay in the account! Really???? Half of my way was paid! I had not asked one single person for money! Immediately upon finding out, my parents gave me a sum of money and one other person from Chriss work did too......now my passport that had to be expedited ....was paid for! I started selling coffee and it went a little slow, but it was going! I booked my ticket in faith that God would supply the other half of the money. Now, because I was getting in late on the deal, I had to fly with a layover while the rest of the group flew direct......which was no problem....GOD had a plan! I was talking to my friend a few days after I booked the ticket and I was telling of the amazing things God was doing! I was asked how much I still needed to go and I explained that the sum would be 800.00. We talked and talked about all kinds of things and then hung up. Two days later.....a check for 800.00 was in my mailbox from my dear friend of 30 plus years! I immediately called and explained that I never expected that to be done! This beautiful person told me, "I know.......God told me to do it! It was my pleasure and my honor to do so!" They went on to tell me that it was their way of doing Gods work in Honduras! Again......I never asked.....I never even implied.....I fully expected the coffee to pay my way! Now you might think, "Praise God......that is the end of this story.....God is so good!" But no......it is not the end! Not only did He show up.....He showed out! I had another friend randomly give me 40.oo for expenses.....and then the biggie.....the week before I left.....a very special person who is a friend when it makes no sense to be a friend because of certain circumstances.......sent me a check for 200.00 which covered everything else I needed! Yet it still does not end......I was given money by two more people which gave me every dime of what I would need while I was in Honduras! Money for offerings at the churches.....food and drink at the gas stations......and so on. How on Gods beautiful green earth could I even question IF God wanted me to go?!! How could I ever deny that He had a plan and purpose for me to be there? I NEVER asked anyone for even a dime......and God provided every last dime! Oh me of so little faith! My world was upside down......and it was glorious! My faith muscle has been torn down and built back up! In order for God to show me what He wanted me to see......He had to break me down and humble me to the point that I could not even begin to explain! In the days to come.....I will tell you of the many ways that He started building my faith up! I have to tell you too.....this is one muscle I am going to keep working out and building up! I may have had a small set back with not getting the job that I knew had been tailor made for me...but my faith is still strong and I am NOT going to let doubt and rejection slow me down! God has a plan......I just have to close my eyes and look up to HIM! He will show me when, where, how and what I am to do! I HAVE FAITH! May God bless you and I pray