Words cannot express how excited I am to go back to Honduras again! If anyone would like to share this experience with me, please send me your name and email address so that I can share it with you. I will be posting on my blog as often as I can and sharing pics of the precious people that I love so much! God has provided ALL of my funds for the trip and for that I am in complete AWE! We are still collecting funds for Food Bags, and for one of the National Pastors as we try to help him to get a motorcycle as he goes from village to village doing the work of God. Pastor Eddie is probably one of the hardest working, most loving, and completely driven and sold out to spreading the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He goes into remote villages that are often hard to reach and he does this by foot......He has already raised 500.00 for the motorbike and he still needs 1000.00 to be able to obtain this motorcycle. Please let me know if you might be interested in donating to either! All donations are tax deductible.......and very much appreciated!!!!! I also want to ask all that would like to pray, please contact me and I will fill you in on our prayer needs not only now, but as we are in Honduras. Thank you......and may God bless you greatly!!!