Eph 4:29Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
This is going to be a several parter! I am pretty sure I have written on this verse before, but after reading it. . . . I think I need to revisit it! O.k., so what is exactly considered a corrupt word? Well, in context. . . . it is a word that can tear someone else down, or a word that goes against the nature of God! If you read on, if it does not edify (build someone up), then it should not even shoot out of your mouth! Our words. . . . as God shows us here, should impart grace. . . . . wow, grace. . . . just like Jesus extends to us! How can we expect Jesus to extend grace to us if we cannot even extend grace to one another? Kind of like when Jesus says that if we cannot forgive, we cannot be forgiven! Powerful stuff here. . . . are we listening? Now to move on. . . .this is really good stuff!
Eph 4:30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Oh my. . . . .I am afraid that my actions alone must grieve Him on a daily basis! I must daily die to myself that I may not grieve Him! He sealed me. . . . how can I honestly grieve Him on purpose? If I can. . . . am I really His?
Eph 4:31Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
I am about to go to preaching to myself right here! But Gooooooood. . . . . . do you know how hard some of this is for meeeeeeee! ! ! ! ! Bitterness is sooooo easy to hold on to! Wrath. . . .I have that one under control, but anger. . . . . that one is hard at times! How do I let some of this go? ? Well, let's read on!
Eph 4:32And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Well, someone has to bring Jesus into this! Christ forgave us and continues to forgive us on a daily basis! Jesus. . . . how did you do it? How did you forgive the people who tortured you. . . . .turned their backs on you. . . . . who murdered you with joy and pride in their hearts?! ! ! Well, I think in this verse here, God gives us a way to change our minds and our hearts by following these instructions! Be kind to one another, tender hearted and forgiving. . . . . .you see. . . . . Christ lived these actions! As Christains. . . . .we MUST renew our minds. . . . we must be kind and tenderhearted towards each other. . . . . . We MUST forgive. . . . . let me reitterate. . . . we MUST forgive, this is not an option, it is not a choice. . . . .if we are to be Christlike, we MUST! Why? Because Christ FORGAVE US! ! ! ! How beautiful is this! ! ! Hello Lorri. . . wake up. . . . renew your mind! ! !
~ Oh Father God. . . why does it seem as if my mind must be renewed every single day? Why can it not be second nature. . . . I am so torn in my heart for I feel as if I should be able to do this so much easier! Sometimes I feel as if I am doing a good job, and then wham. . . . I mess up again! I thank You Father for Your grace and Your forgiveness! I thank You for the many opportunities to learn from Your Word. . . thank You for Your Word. . . . thank You for Your Son! Thank You for Your love and compassion for a lost and dying world! Thank You for loving even me! I love You, I praise You and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . . Amen!
This is going to be a several parter! I am pretty sure I have written on this verse before, but after reading it. . . . I think I need to revisit it! O.k., so what is exactly considered a corrupt word? Well, in context. . . . it is a word that can tear someone else down, or a word that goes against the nature of God! If you read on, if it does not edify (build someone up), then it should not even shoot out of your mouth! Our words. . . . as God shows us here, should impart grace. . . . . wow, grace. . . . just like Jesus extends to us! How can we expect Jesus to extend grace to us if we cannot even extend grace to one another? Kind of like when Jesus says that if we cannot forgive, we cannot be forgiven! Powerful stuff here. . . . are we listening? Now to move on. . . .this is really good stuff!
Eph 4:30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Oh my. . . . .I am afraid that my actions alone must grieve Him on a daily basis! I must daily die to myself that I may not grieve Him! He sealed me. . . . how can I honestly grieve Him on purpose? If I can. . . . am I really His?
Eph 4:31Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
I am about to go to preaching to myself right here! But Gooooooood. . . . . . do you know how hard some of this is for meeeeeeee! ! ! ! ! Bitterness is sooooo easy to hold on to! Wrath. . . .I have that one under control, but anger. . . . . that one is hard at times! How do I let some of this go? ? Well, let's read on!
Eph 4:32And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Well, someone has to bring Jesus into this! Christ forgave us and continues to forgive us on a daily basis! Jesus. . . . how did you do it? How did you forgive the people who tortured you. . . . .turned their backs on you. . . . . who murdered you with joy and pride in their hearts?! ! ! Well, I think in this verse here, God gives us a way to change our minds and our hearts by following these instructions! Be kind to one another, tender hearted and forgiving. . . . . .you see. . . . . Christ lived these actions! As Christains. . . . .we MUST renew our minds. . . . we must be kind and tenderhearted towards each other. . . . . . We MUST forgive. . . . . let me reitterate. . . . we MUST forgive, this is not an option, it is not a choice. . . . .if we are to be Christlike, we MUST! Why? Because Christ FORGAVE US! ! ! ! How beautiful is this! ! ! Hello Lorri. . . wake up. . . . renew your mind! ! !
~ Oh Father God. . . why does it seem as if my mind must be renewed every single day? Why can it not be second nature. . . . I am so torn in my heart for I feel as if I should be able to do this so much easier! Sometimes I feel as if I am doing a good job, and then wham. . . . I mess up again! I thank You Father for Your grace and Your forgiveness! I thank You for the many opportunities to learn from Your Word. . . thank You for Your Word. . . . thank You for Your Son! Thank You for Your love and compassion for a lost and dying world! Thank You for loving even me! I love You, I praise You and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . . Amen!