Psa 136:1OH, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
You want to talk about being blessed! Just read Psalms 136 and you will see how blessed we really are and how thankful we should be. I think I love the Psalms so much because King David just POURS out his heart! It also makes me feel a little more normal and maybe not so psychotic on some days! I have told you before that some of the things that David struggled with in his life seem way worse than what I do and yet he was always considered a man after God's own heart! I am afraid had David lived in this day and time. . . . he would probably be on Zoloft or Prozac. . . . or any myriad of anti depressants like I have been at times. Please do not think I am knocking medicines. . . . Chelsea is on Zoloft and I have taken a few different meds to help me deal with the depression that comes with all of the struggles our family has been through. The one thing I can tell you though. . . . . they may help your mood in certain situations, but they do not change the circumstances. . . . they do not stop sin. . . . they do not give peace in your heart. . . . . and they do not give you eternal salvation! When Chelsea was going through the worst parts of her anorexia, she was tormented in her heart and her soul! No amount of medication changed that. . . .they did however eventually keep her from the horrendous and sometimes dangerous outburst that came from that torment, but she also became numb. . . . numb to life. . . . numb to her family and friends. . . . and sometimes like a zombie with no feelings, no pain yet no joy. King David felt every bit of pain and ecstatic joy! He messed up many times but found favor in God because of his ability to recognize the sin for what it was and his heart was truly broken because he had sinned and hurt his Father! As a parent we often face our children making wrong choices and stupid decisions (usually like we did), but the joy comes when we see them realize what they have done and see them truly long to change and repent for their actions and accept punishment and learn from their consequences! God must feel the same way about us! King David is proof positive! Surely I digress from my original intent here, but I long to share with you what I learn from scripture! Thank God for David and his heart! Thank God that he was not perfect in any capacity, but God loved him! Thank God that we have that same love available to us from the Father and all we must do is believe in His Son and the sacrifice He made for our sin and accept Him as our Savior! We do not have to make sacrifices, cover ourselves with ashes, or any of the other things we have read about. If we love Him and accept Him, then we will become aware of the sin in our lives and long to change it! God will help us every step of the way if we truly believe! I am so thankful! I am truly BLESSED! ! ! ! Oh, and p.s. I implore you not only to read all of Psalm 136. . . . but all of the Psalms. . . . . ALL of God's Word!
~Father God, I thank You for Your Word and for the encouragement You give me from the example of Your children! I thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to give me salvation! I thank You for Your Spirit who dwells within me and brings wisdom and comfort! I thank You for the ability to share Your Word with others and to share my experiences. . . . mistakes. . . . and total failures with people like David did so they can see that there is hope in You, there is forgiveness, there is healing, there is peace in dark places, and there is someone else who feels like they do at times! I thank You for the people You put in my life as examples of these things! I thank You for Your love and Your forgiveness, Your punishment and the redemption that I have received! I thank You for loving me. . . . even when I am so me and often unlovable! I love You Father and I realize just how truly blessed I am. . . . . even when I hurt. . . . even when I do not understand certain circumstances. . . . . even when I don't get what I want or get my way, wait, especially when I don't get what I want or get my way! I love You, I praise You, and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . AMEN!~
p.s. After reading this. . . . you may still think I need to be on medication! I love you all and pray that God will do a mighty work in your lives. . . . may God bless you all! ! ! ! ! !
You want to talk about being blessed! Just read Psalms 136 and you will see how blessed we really are and how thankful we should be. I think I love the Psalms so much because King David just POURS out his heart! It also makes me feel a little more normal and maybe not so psychotic on some days! I have told you before that some of the things that David struggled with in his life seem way worse than what I do and yet he was always considered a man after God's own heart! I am afraid had David lived in this day and time. . . . he would probably be on Zoloft or Prozac. . . . or any myriad of anti depressants like I have been at times. Please do not think I am knocking medicines. . . . Chelsea is on Zoloft and I have taken a few different meds to help me deal with the depression that comes with all of the struggles our family has been through. The one thing I can tell you though. . . . . they may help your mood in certain situations, but they do not change the circumstances. . . . they do not stop sin. . . . they do not give peace in your heart. . . . . and they do not give you eternal salvation! When Chelsea was going through the worst parts of her anorexia, she was tormented in her heart and her soul! No amount of medication changed that. . . .they did however eventually keep her from the horrendous and sometimes dangerous outburst that came from that torment, but she also became numb. . . . numb to life. . . . numb to her family and friends. . . . and sometimes like a zombie with no feelings, no pain yet no joy. King David felt every bit of pain and ecstatic joy! He messed up many times but found favor in God because of his ability to recognize the sin for what it was and his heart was truly broken because he had sinned and hurt his Father! As a parent we often face our children making wrong choices and stupid decisions (usually like we did), but the joy comes when we see them realize what they have done and see them truly long to change and repent for their actions and accept punishment and learn from their consequences! God must feel the same way about us! King David is proof positive! Surely I digress from my original intent here, but I long to share with you what I learn from scripture! Thank God for David and his heart! Thank God that he was not perfect in any capacity, but God loved him! Thank God that we have that same love available to us from the Father and all we must do is believe in His Son and the sacrifice He made for our sin and accept Him as our Savior! We do not have to make sacrifices, cover ourselves with ashes, or any of the other things we have read about. If we love Him and accept Him, then we will become aware of the sin in our lives and long to change it! God will help us every step of the way if we truly believe! I am so thankful! I am truly BLESSED! ! ! ! Oh, and p.s. I implore you not only to read all of Psalm 136. . . . but all of the Psalms. . . . . ALL of God's Word!
~Father God, I thank You for Your Word and for the encouragement You give me from the example of Your children! I thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to give me salvation! I thank You for Your Spirit who dwells within me and brings wisdom and comfort! I thank You for the ability to share Your Word with others and to share my experiences. . . . mistakes. . . . and total failures with people like David did so they can see that there is hope in You, there is forgiveness, there is healing, there is peace in dark places, and there is someone else who feels like they do at times! I thank You for the people You put in my life as examples of these things! I thank You for Your love and Your forgiveness, Your punishment and the redemption that I have received! I thank You for loving me. . . . even when I am so me and often unlovable! I love You Father and I realize just how truly blessed I am. . . . . even when I hurt. . . . even when I do not understand certain circumstances. . . . . even when I don't get what I want or get my way, wait, especially when I don't get what I want or get my way! I love You, I praise You, and I thank You in the precious name of Jesus I pray. . . . AMEN!~
p.s. After reading this. . . . you may still think I need to be on medication! I love you all and pray that God will do a mighty work in your lives. . . . may God bless you all! ! ! ! ! !