![]() Before I tell you about the day that God turned my world upside down.....let me tell you what lead up to that day. God has greatly blessed my life in so many ways. He has given me my dream house which sometimes can be a nightmare for Chris since it is 103 years old. The window over the sink in the kitchen has needed replacing since we moved in 6 years ago. We decided to go to a certain store in Athens and see what it would cost for a new window. Normally we would go to the one in Monroe, but we had other errands to run in Athens this particular day. Now you may be asking yourself....What the Cathair does this have to do with turning your world upside down? (well.......that is how my hubby would say it....jejejejeje) While we were at this store, we set up a visit with a man to come and measure the window and give us an estimate. The next week we got a call from a representative and he came out to our house. Little did we know that God had a plan that we never saw coming when a man named John came to our door. From the moment he said, "Hello!", we knew something was different about him. We immediately formed a connection with him, and he with us. What happened after hello still has us sitting in awe. We spent 4 hours talking and only about an hour of it was about the window and possible siding. After our visit, we were both feeling as if maybe God had sent an Angel to our home. I would love to go into detail, but it might turn into a book! The long and short of it is that as we were talking about the window, we kept getting off subject and finally John said something about Honduras. HONDURAS??????? We started to talk about Honduras and John told us that somehow he knew we had deep ties......he could feel it in our hearts. He told us the story of how God had tied him to Honduras and we sat listening in utter awe. If ever there was a story that needed to be documented....his was one of them! John proceeded to tell me that if I wanted to go again, he would give me some coffee to sell to earn my way. (the coffee story is a humdinger! I will have to get him to give me his testimony on this so he can share it with you.....I would not be able to do it justice!) I cannot tell you what God did in both mine and my husbands heart that day. There is only one other person that I have seen Chris get so involved in listening to and that was brother Bob who started the mission in Honduras! Just a few months before, Chris had told me that there was no way I would be able to go back to Honduras for at least a couple of years........so I had resigned myself to not going. To say this day was a miracle would be a complete understatement! When John left, Chris and I literally sat and looked at each other wondering if what had just happened was real! I found myself asking how he could have possibly known about Honduras? We had no pictures up, nothing indicating we had ever been there..........but what we did have, was a love for a place and many people that connected with someones heart that had the same passion! I would be lying if I told you I had no doubts about what had happened..........if I told you that I was thinking that somehow this had to be a scam (because that is what we are conditioned to think in the world we live in)..........my mind at this point was blown! BUT GOD!!!!! BUT GOD in the weeks to come would show Himself over, and over, and over again! I found out how weak my faith had become. I found out how much of my life was spent in doubt and disbelief of what God can and will do. After all.......this only happens to other people..........right? I am going to close out this story for the night but tomorrow I will share with you how God showed Himself to me in a really big way! May God bless you........and I can't wait to share more with you tomorrow!
Margaret Sorrells
7/14/2013 07:01:19 am
I know God sent us to you for our first Aussie named after your "son" in Honduras, Oscar Renee!! Danny found a card in the prayer box at the vet in Loganville that sent us to you. You have been such a blessing in our lives! I cannot even express how much we love you and your family. Although we do not see each other much, we love you and pray for you every day!!!
Chris S. Stacy
7/14/2013 07:46:48 am
Margaret, you and Danny have been a great blessing to me in more ways than I could ever begin to tell you! God has blessed me far more than I deserve and I could only hope to be a blessing to others as He has called us to be! I love you and Danny so much and I thank you for all you have done for me! Thank you for your prayers for they are an important part of helping me find what it is God has for me and our future! My prayers are with you as well! I love you!!!!
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