There are always going to be times of pain and even suffering here on this earth, BUT GOD! I stand amazed as I sit back and observe this life here on earth. I look at peoples lives and see two different scenarios going on. There are those who go through times so hard my mind cannot even comprehend, and when they make the choice to believe God and trust Him and His Word......they come out so strong and their testimonies literally help change the lives of others. I also see those who chose the other path......the path that leads away from Christ. Their lives become hollow shells that lead to death and destruction. They may seem strong on the outside, but inside they are withering away.....becoming void of love and compassion for anyone, especially themselves. This strength will only last for a season.... eventually it will catch up to them when they are left feeling hollow and alone. This too becomes a point of go the way of Christ......or die in utter darkness. I have seen men......seemingly strong men with fortune and fame, take their own lives because the hollow empty shells their spirits have become, is more than even the strongest man can bear. Without Christ, we are void of real, true, unconditional LOVE! When I was going through the hardest time in my life, I found myself contemplating giving up. Watching my baby die before my eyes was almost more than I could bear. I tried to put my faith in the doctors, people.....and anything I could because deep down inside I was having trouble trusting God! I trusted more in what my eyes were seeing, than trusting the unseen Will of God. I am sure that inside myself, I made it much harder than it had to be because I let fear take over. Perfect love casts out all fear.....the Bible tells us this in 1 John 4:18- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We all have the ability to be filled with the incredible LOVE of God! No one is not perfect, none of us not one, however as we grow and you trust God through the issues in life......we will then be unstoppable! I am not sure why God lead me in this direction, but HE knows! Now here is another thing each of us should do to find the direction that God wants to lead us in: Often when the world is screaming around us, it is so hard to hear His sweet gentle voice. I encourage you this weekend to get alone and be in nature at some point, pray......and then stop. Ask God to speak to you......ask God what He wants from you......and then listen. Shut out the world.....shut out the noise......and listen, for however long it takes! He will be faithful......and you will be amazed! Without God....without His wisdom....we just are matter taking up space. With Him and in His ways......we are an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God! .I look forward to hearing how God speaks to me and I also would love to know how God speaks to you! If you would like, please leave me a message here and tell me how God is speaking to you! May God bless you all......I love you!!!