I am soooooo grateful to have the internet back! I am extremely thankful for technology, for you do not realize how dependent you are until you do not have it! Now. . . onto my favorite part of my day, Devotion time!
Jhn 14:21"He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
Wow, if only we truly understood this as written! I say we, but what I really mean is me. . . . . I am sure everyone else has this down pat. . . . right!? "He who has my commandments and keeps them. . . . .it is he who loves me." Wow, do I fully know His commandments? When I say know I don't really mean know, I mean KNOW! I can know something all day long, but unless I believe it, I don't truly KNOW it! How much do I really KNOW His commandments, which leads me to ask, how much do I really love Him? As I sit and ponder this thought, it is not hard to start to feel a bit shameful. . . . God's greatest command is for us to love each other as He loves us. . . .Do my actions, my words, and my mind always follow this command. . . . I am afraid not. . . . man, now I am afraid, that one does not fly either! You know what I am really thankful for. . . . grace and forgiveness! These are not free passes for me to do what I want or act the way I want however they are essential because I am a human being living in a fallen world! I must daily relent my will to His will and follow His commands! I need to fully understand what I believe, why I believe, and who I believe! I must try daily to live my life KNOWING His commands so that I might keep them and He will KNOW my heart and that I love Him! I just love scripture! I pray that what I write is pleasing to God for I long to please my Heavenly Father! But more than what I write. . . . is what I live. . . . to all of my friends, please help keep me accountable, and I will do the same for you if you would like me to. . . this is why God gives us each other! ~Father God, I thank You for Your Word, I thank You for Your grace and peace, I thank You for Your promises and for your provision! Father God, I pray that Your Spirit will dwell closely to me and help me stay accountable to You! I pray that He will guide my every step and my every action! I pray that You will use me for Your glory and Your honor! I thank You for my friends and my family and I pray that You will do an awesome work in their lives and hearts! I thank You and I praise You in the precious name of Jesus. . . . . Amen!~
Jhn 14:21"He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
Wow, if only we truly understood this as written! I say we, but what I really mean is me. . . . . I am sure everyone else has this down pat. . . . right!? "He who has my commandments and keeps them. . . . .it is he who loves me." Wow, do I fully know His commandments? When I say know I don't really mean know, I mean KNOW! I can know something all day long, but unless I believe it, I don't truly KNOW it! How much do I really KNOW His commandments, which leads me to ask, how much do I really love Him? As I sit and ponder this thought, it is not hard to start to feel a bit shameful. . . . God's greatest command is for us to love each other as He loves us. . . .Do my actions, my words, and my mind always follow this command. . . . I am afraid not. . . . man, now I am afraid, that one does not fly either! You know what I am really thankful for. . . . grace and forgiveness! These are not free passes for me to do what I want or act the way I want however they are essential because I am a human being living in a fallen world! I must daily relent my will to His will and follow His commands! I need to fully understand what I believe, why I believe, and who I believe! I must try daily to live my life KNOWING His commands so that I might keep them and He will KNOW my heart and that I love Him! I just love scripture! I pray that what I write is pleasing to God for I long to please my Heavenly Father! But more than what I write. . . . is what I live. . . . to all of my friends, please help keep me accountable, and I will do the same for you if you would like me to. . . this is why God gives us each other! ~Father God, I thank You for Your Word, I thank You for Your grace and peace, I thank You for Your promises and for your provision! Father God, I pray that Your Spirit will dwell closely to me and help me stay accountable to You! I pray that He will guide my every step and my every action! I pray that You will use me for Your glory and Your honor! I thank You for my friends and my family and I pray that You will do an awesome work in their lives and hearts! I thank You and I praise You in the precious name of Jesus. . . . . Amen!~